Examination Information


There are five important announcements to be made to each course section before classes end for the term concerning the use of the "McMaster Standard Calculator", the photo ID card requirement, personal belongings, washroom privileges and exam room assignments.

Announcements to Students

Please remind your students in a class before the term ends:

a) ONLY the Casio fx-991 may be used if you have specified the "McMaster Standard Calculator" be used for your  examination.

b) The necessity of bringing their McMaster student photo ID cards to all examinations.

c) The importance of not bringing extraneous personal belongings to examinations.

d) Students are expected to use the washroom before and after NOT during an examination.

e) Exam room assignments

Use of Casio fx-991 Calculator

If you have specified that the McMaster Standard Calculator, the Casio fx-991, is to be used during your examination please stress to your students before classes end for the term that invigilators will be checking carefully for compliance at each examination, and that only the Casio fx-991 is acceptable for use. Calculators that do not comply will be confiscated within the first 10 minutes of the exam and will be held for at least the duration of the examination.  Please remind the students that calculators are examined very carefully and all notes and formulas must be removed from the calculator before the student enters the examination room.  In addition, calculator cases are not permitted on the desk during an examination.

The examination presiding staff will have a VERY small supply of spare Casio's, but these are intended for emergency situations only.  Please inform the students that if they arrive with the wrong type of calculator they will most likely have to complete their examination without the use of a calculator.  Please stress that in order to avoid writing an exam without the use of a calculator, students are responsible to bring the McMaster Standard Calculator if it is specified on the examination.

ID Card Policy

The University's policy has been and continues to be, that MCMASTER STUDENT PHOTO ID CARDS are required for examinations.  Other forms of identification such as food plan cards or driver's licences are not acceptable for University examination purposes.  It is the responsibility of students to bring their MCMASTER STUDENT PHOTO ID CARDS to all examinations. The procedure is as follows:

1. A McMaster student photo ID card must be presented at the entrance to the examination room; the card will be more closely scrutinized once the examination begins.

2. Students who have lost or mislaid their cards prior to the examination session should obtain new cards from the Office of the Registrar, Gilmour Hall Room 108.

* Hours of Operation:

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Tuesday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

3.  If students arrive at an examination without their ID cards, they should go immediately, before entering the exam room, to Room B120 in the Ivor Wynne Centre.  Temporary cards will be issued and the normal replacement fee of $30.00 will be charged to the student's account. Staff will be available at least half an hour before the start of each examination session.  Extra time is not granted for those students who start the examination late.  In order to avoid problems, stress to students they must bring their ID card to all examinations.  Instructors may make their own ID arrangements for examinations they administer, for examinations in off-campus centres (e.g. Brantford, Oakville), and for MBA examinations.

Personal Belongings

McMaster is not responsible for articles left in the examination room. The University's policy has been and continues to be, that no articles are to be brought into the examination area unless they are required to write the exam.  Handbags and other small personal belongings may be placed underneath the desks. Coats and jackets are placed over the back of the chair.  If students choose to bring backpacks and other large articles, they must be placed against open walls and out of reach of the student. Please stress they are leaving the articles at their own risk.  Every year, articles are misplaced or stolen so please ask the students NOT to bring extraneous personal belongings into the examination area.  The loss of these articles can be very devastating to especially if they include textbooks and class notes.

Washroom Privileges

Under normal circumstances, students are expected to use the washroom before and after but NOT during an examination.  In the case of an emergency, the Presider or Chief presider will give permission for the student to leave the room with an escort and they will document the incident.

Exam Room Assignment

Last Update: Jan. 1, 2003