EE3CL4: Announcements

in reverse chronological order
Midterm Test
To resolve the conflict with the midterm for ENG 2BO3, the midterm test for EE 3CL4 will now be held on Thursday 5 March. The start time is still to be decided, but will be either 6:30pm or 7:00pm. The duration will likely be 90 minutes.
(16 January 2020)

Midterm Test
Today we were made aware of a conflict between the timing of the EE 3CL4 midterm and that for the ENG 2BO3 midterm. We are working to resolve this conflict.
(7 January 2020)

Tutorials start this week
The first tutorial for the course will be held this week, on Friday 10 January 2020.
(6 January 2020)

Midterm Test
The midterm test will be held on Monday 2 March 2020, over a 90 minute period between 6:30pm and 9:00pm. The rooms will be PGCLL 124 and PGCLL M16. More details on the actual timing and the seating plan will be available soon.
(6 January 2020)

Echo 360
I intend to make use of Echo 360 to record and live stream lectures. I expect that this functionality will be available through Avenue to Learn. I will update you as more information becomes available
(6 January 2020).

Notice regarding email communication
Due to the large number of emails that I receive every day, I have instituted a filter system for EE3CL4. In order to guarantee a response from me, you must include the sequence "EE3CL4" in the subject line of the email. I am sorry for the inconvenience.
I would also like to suggest that when you communicate with me by email, you take the opportunity to hone your professional communication skills.
(6 January 2020)

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Tim Davidson (