Source code for the Zilany et al. (JASA 2009, 2014) Auditory Nerve Model

The latest major update of the auditory periphery model is described in:

Zilany, M. S. A., Bruce, I. C., Nelson, P. C., and Carney, L. H. (2009). "A phenomenological model of the synapse between the inner hair cell and auditory nerve: Long-term adaptation with power-law dynamics," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 126(5):2390–2412.

Some updated parameters and expanded simulation optios are given in:

Zilany, M. S. A., Bruce, I. C., and Carney, L. H. (2014). "Updated parameters and expanded simulation options for a model of the auditory periphery," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135:283–286.

Souce code for this latest version of the model is available at:

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Created by Ian Bruce <> - last modified Thursday, October 20, 2016