
1. Journal Papers (Published 191) 

[191] R. S. El Shamy, M. A. Swillam, and X. Li, “Comparative study of photonic platforms and devices for on-chip sensing,” Photonics, vol. 11, no. 10, 1233, Nov. 2023. (doi: 10.3390/photonics10111233)

[190] J. -W. Chi, X. Li, C. -N. Niu, and J. Zhao, “Output optical power enhancement of push-pull modulated DFB laser with asymmetric structure,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 15, no. 5, 1502208, Oct. 2023. (doi: 10.1109/JPHOT.2023.3312388)

[189] Thomas J. Mikhail, Raghi S. El Shamy, Mohamed A. Swillam, and Xun Li, “Enhanced performance of on-chip integrated biosensor using deep learning,” Optical and Quantum Electronics, vol. 55, 967, Sept. 2023. (doi: 10.1007/s11082-023-05258-x)

[188] Y. -C. Shi, S. -Y. Xiang, X. -X. Guo, Y. -H. Zhang, H. -J. Wang, D. -Z. Zheng, Y. -N. Zhang, Y. -N. Han, Y. Zhao, X. -J. Zhu, X. -F. Chen, X. Li, and Y. Hao, “Photonic integrated spiking neuron chip based on a self-pulsating DFB laser with a saturable absorber,” Optica Photonics Research, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 1382-1389, Jul. 2023. (doi: 10.1364/PRJ.485941)

[187] J. -W. Chi, X. Li, C. -N. Niu, and J. Zhao, “Enhanced modulation bandwidth by delayed push-pull modulated DFB lasers,” Micromachines, vol. 3, no. 14, 633, Mar. 2023. (doi: 10.3390/mi14030633)

[186] Y. -L. Zhou, J. Zhao, and X. Li, "A high-speed grating-assistant SOA-PIN photodetector with high sensitivity," IEEE/Optica Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 40, no. 14, pp. 4689-4697, Jul. 2022. (doi: 10.1109/JLT.2022.3166783)

[185] R. S. El Shamy, M. A. Swillam, and X. Li, “On-chip complex refractive index detection at multiple wavelengths for selective sensing,” Scientific Reports, vol. 12, 9343, Jun. 2022. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-13033-3)

[184] Q. -H. Xu, J. Zhao, C. -L. Sun, L. -G. Du, B. -Q. Sun, and X. Li, “Edge memory effect for hidden object tracking,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, vol. 151, 106928, Apr. 2022. (doi: 10.1016/j.optlaseng.2021.106928)

[183] R. S. El Shamy, M. A. Swillam, and X. Li, “Optimization of silicon nitride waveguide platform for on-chip virus detection,” Sensors, vol. 22, no. 3, 1152, Feb. 2022. (doi: 10.3390/s22031152)

[182] L. Xin, J. Zhao, and X. Li, “Suppression of mode partition noise in FP laser by frequency modulation non-coherent detection,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 14, no. 1, 7201310, Feb. 2022. (doi: 10.1109/JPHOT.2021.3123663)

[181] R. S. El Shamy, M. A. Swillam, M. M. El Rayany, A. Sultan, and X. Li, “Compact gas sensor using silicon-on-insulator loop-terminated Mach-Zehnder interferometer,” Photonics, vol. 9, no. 1, 8, Dec. 2021. (doi: 10.3390/photonics9010008

[180] M. Bagheri and X. Li, “An ultra-low power and low jitter frequency synthesizer for 5G wireless communication and IoE applications,” International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Nov. 2021. (doi: 10.1002/cta.3203)

[179] X. -Y. Li, Y. -F. Sun, Y. -K. He, X. Li, and B. -Q. Sun, “Quantitative imaging for optical field via a single-pixel detector,” Signal Processing, vol. 188, 108173, Nov. 2021. (doi: 10.1016/j.sigpro.2021.108173)

[178] Z. -K. Lin, L. Ding, S. -L. Ke, and X. Li, “Steering non-Hermitian skin modes by synthetic gauge fields in optical ring resonators,” Optics Letters, vol. 46, no. 15, pp. 3512-3515, Aug. 2021. (doi: 10.1364/OL.431904)

[177] M. Bagheri and X. Li, “Phase noise suppression in LC Oscillators: Tutorial,” International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Jul. 2021. (doi: 10.1002/cta.3097)

[176] Z. -K. Lin, L. Ding, S. -Y. Chen, S. Li, S. -L. Ke, X. Li, and B. Wang, “Photonic non-Bloch quadrupole topological insulators in coupled ring resonators,” Physics Review A, vol. 103, no. 6, 063507, Jun. 2021.

[175] Z. -K. Lin, S. -L. Ke, X. -F. Zhu, and X. Li, “Square-root non-Bloch topological insulator in non-Hermitian ring resonators,” Optics Express, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 8462-8476, Mar. 2021. (doi: 10.1364/OE.419852)

[174] C. -L. Zuo and X. Li, Polarization-discreiminated RSOA-EAM for colorless transmitter in WDM-PON,” Applied Sciences, vol. 10, Optics and Lasers Special Issue on Fiber Optic Communication, 9049, Dec. 2020. (doi: 10.3390/app10249049)

[173] S. -Z. Zhao and X. Li, “Design and simulation of a directly frequency-modulated DFB laser,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 1-9, Dec. 2020. (doi: 10.1109/JQE.2020.3013955)

[172] M. Bagheri and X. Li, A modified cross coupled ocsillator,” Microsystem Technologies, Nov. 2020. (doi: 10.1007/s00542-020-05062-7)

[171] M. -W. Lan and X. Li, “Vertically coupled tapered ridge waveguide semiconductor laser with improved divergence angles,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 12, no. 5, 1504312, Oct. 2020. (doi: 10.1109/JPHOT.2020.3028867)

[170] N. Liu, J. Zhao, L. -G. Du, C. -N. Niu, C. -L. Sun, X. -P. Kong, Z. -J. Wang, and X. Li, “Giant nonreciprocal transmission in low-biased gyrotropic metasurfaces,” Optics Letters, vol. 45, no. 21, pp. 5917-5920, Oct. 2020. (doi: 10.1364/OL.404765)

[169] J. -Y. Lee, X. Li, and J. -W. Park, “Fine stripe coating and micro patterning of organic thin films using double nozzles for OLEDs,” Organic Electronics, 2020, 105957, Sept. 2020. (doi: 10.1016/j.orgel.2020.105957)

[168] X. -Y. Li, N. Qi, S. Jiang, Y. -R. Wang, X. Li, and B. -Q. Sun, “Noise suppression in compressive single-pixel imaging,” Sensors, 2020, 5431, Sept. 2020. (doi: 10.3390/s20185341)

[167] Q. -H. Xu, B. -Q. Sun, J. Zhao, Z. -J. Wang, L. -G. Du, C. -L. Sun, X. -Y. Li, and X. Li, “Imaging and tracking through scattering medium with low bit depth speckle,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 12, no. 2, 6900807, Apr. 2020. (doi: 10.1109/JPHOT.2020.2974898)

[166] L. -L. Liu, Y. Li, and X. Li, “A broadband tunable laser design based on the distributed Moire-grating reflector,” Optics Communications, vol.  458, 124810, Mar. 2020. (doi: 10.1016/j.optcom.2019.124810)

[165] Q. -H. Xu, J. -F. Tao, C. -L. Sun, J. Zhao, Z. -J. Wang, L. -G. Du, C. -N. Niu, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “An ultra-broadband polarizing beam splitter/coupler using asymmetric-waveguide,” Optics Communications, vol.  454, 124424, Jan. 2020. (doi: 10.1016/j.optcom.2019.124424)

[164] J. -Y. Lee, X. Li, and J. -W. Park, “Suppression of capillary flow in slot-die coating for the fabrication of fine OLED stripe,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 66, no. 12, pp. 5221-5229, Dec. 2019. (doi: 10.1109/TED.2019.2947565)

[163] X. -P. Kong, Z. -J. Wang, L. -G. Du, C. -N. Niu, C. -L. Sun, J. Zhao, and X. Li, “Optically transparent metamirror with broadband chiral absorption in the microwave region,” Optics Express, vol. 27, no. 26, pp. 38029-38038, Dec. 2019. (doi: 10.1364/OE.383666)

[162] Q. -H. Xu, J. -F. Tao, C. -L. Sun, J. Zhao, Z. -J. Wang, L. -G. Du, and X. Li,Broadband polarization-independent directional coupler using asymmetric-waveguides, IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 11, no. 6, 6603506, Dec. 2019. (doi: 10.1109/JPHOT.2019.2950572)

[161] C. -N. Niu, Z. -J. Wang, J. Zhao, L. -G. Du, N. Liu, Y. -M. Liu, and X. Li, “Photonic heterostructures for spin-flipped beam splitting,” Physical Review Applied (Editor’s Suggestion Paper), vol. 12, 044009, Oct. 2019. (doi: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.12.044009)

[160] Q. -Y. Zhang and X. Li, “Self-guiding backscatter immune transportation of light in the visible range,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 11, no. 5, 4700408, Oct. 2019. (doi: 10.1109/JPHOT.2019.2944928)

[159] N. Liu, J. Zhao, L. -G. Du, C. -N. Niu, X. Lin, Z. -J. Wang, and X. Li, “Enhancing the magneto-optical effects in low-biased gyromagnetic media via photonic doping,” Optics Letters, vol. 44, no. 12, pp. 3050-3053, Jun. 2019.

[158] C. -N. Niu, J. Zhao, L. -G. Du, N. Liu, Z. -J. Wang, W. -P. Huang, and X. Li, “Spatially dispersive dichroism in bi-anisotropic meta-mirrors,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 113, no. 26, 261102, Dec. 2018. (doi: 10.1063/1.5053794)

[157] C. -L. Zuo, X. Li, Y. -Y. Xia, X. -Q. Dai, and L. -P. Wang, “Horn-waveguide RSOA-EAM as a colorless emitting source with reduced crosstalk,” OSA/IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 36, no. 24, pp.  5942-5948, Dec. 2018.

[156] X. Li, C. -L. Zuo, X. -Z. Dong, “Semiconductor pre-amplifier: key considerations in design and fabrication,” (Invited tutorial) Zhongxing Communication Technology, vol. 2018, no. 4, 2018.

[155] L. Chen, X. Yin, H. Zhu, H. -J. Gao, M. Deng, T. Xu, Z. -J. Gong, X. Li, Z. -H. Hang, C. Wu, H. -Q. Li, and L. Zhou, “Hyperbolic metamaterial devices for wave-front manipulation,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, 1800081, 2018. (doi: 10.1002/lpor.201800081)

[154] H. Zhu, T. Xu, Z. Wang, J. -H. Li, Z. -H. Hang, L. Zhou, S. -Q. Chen, X. Li, and L. Chen, “Flat metasurfaces to collimate electromagnetic waves with high efficiency,” Optics Express, vol. 26, no. 22, pp. 28531-28543, Oct. 2018. (doi: 10.1364/OE.26.028531)

[153] Q. -Y. Zhang and X. Li, “Unidirectional slow light transmission in hetero-structure photonic crystal waveguide,” Applied Sciences, vol. 8, no. 10, 1858, Oct. 2018. (doi: 10.3390/app8101858)

[152] X. Yin, L. Chen, and X. Li,“Polarization-controlled generation of Airy plasmons,” Optics Express, vol. 26, no. 18, pp. 23251-23264, Sept. 2018.

[151] T. Wang, X. Li, J. -W. Mu, and G. -M. He,“Electro-optic controllable transverse electric/transverse magnetic polarization converter based on GaN/Al0.3Ga0.7N superlattice waveguide,” Journal of Optical Society of America B, vol. 35, no. 8, pp. 1888-1895, Aug. 2018.

[150] Q. -Y. Zhang and X. Li,“Dynamically tunable electromagnetically induced transparency in graphene-based coupled micro-ring resonators,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 1-10, 1943-0655, Jun. 2018. (doi: 10.1109/JPHOT.2018.2838324)

[149] C. Lin, X. -M. Ke, H. -J. Guo, J. -H. Li, X. Li, and L. Zhou, “Broadband wave plates made by plasmonic metamaterials,” Scientific Reports, vol. 8, 1051, Jan. 2018. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-19611-8)

[148] T. Zhang, X. -M. Ke, X. Yin, L. Chen, and X. Li, “Graphene-assisted ultra-compact polarization splitter and rotator with an extended bandwidth,” Scientific Reports, vol. 7, 12169, Dec. 2017. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-12536-8)

[147] H. Zhu, X. Yin, L. Chen, and X. Li, “Directional beaming of light from a subwavelength metal slit with phase-gradient meta-surfaces,” Scientific Reports, vol. 7, 12098, Dec. 2017. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-09726-9)

[146] H. -Y. Li, Y. -P. Xi, and X. Li, “An efficient method based on FIR filtering and Fourier transform for solving the eigen-problems in optoelectronic devices,” Optical and Quantum Electronics, vol. 49, 417, Nov. 2017. (doi: 10.1007/s11082-017-1244-8)

[145] C. Ke, X. Li, Y. -P. Xi, and Y. Yu, “Design optimization for 25Gb/s DML InGaAlAs/InGaAsP/InP SL-MQW laser diodes incorporating temperature effect,” Optics Communications, vol.  403, pp. 34-40, Nov. 2017. (doi: 10.1016/j.optcom.2017.07.010)

[144] Y. Pan, Y. -P. Xi, and X. Li, “Monolithically integrated chirp-managed laser based on a resonant tunneling filter,” Optical Review, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 549-553, Aug. 2017. (doi: 10.1007/s10043-017-0346-7)

[143] Y. -L. Zhou and Xun Li, “Wide-field imaging through scattering media by scattered light fluorescence microscopy,” Optical Review, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 489-494, Aug. 2017. (doi: 10.1007/s10043-017-0339-6)

[142] J. -W. Fu, Y. -P. Xi, X. Li, W. Hong, and W. P. Huang, “Experimental study on narrow spectral width FP lasers with a wavelength detuned band-pass filter,” Optical Review, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 483-488, Aug. 2017. (doi: 10.1007/s10043-017-0338-7)

[141] Y. -L. Zhou and Xun Li, “Super-resolution by annular pupil inserted scattered light fluorescence microscopes,” Optical Review, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 398-405, Jun. 2017. (doi: 10.1007/s10043-017-0335-x)

[140] X. Ke, H. Zhu, J. -H. Li, C. Lin, and X. Li, “Double-stacked hyperbolic metamaterial waveguide arrays for efficient and broadband terahertz quarter-wave plates,” Scientific Reports, vol. 7, 574, Apr. 2017. (doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-00726-3)

[139] X. -T. Zhou, T. Zhang, X. Yin, L. Chen, and X. Li, “Dynamically tunable electromagnetically induced transparency in graphene-based coupled micro-ring resonators,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 9, no. 2, 6600609, Apr. 2017. (doi: 10.1109/JPHOT.2017.2690684)

[138] Y. -L. Zhou and X. Li, “Optimization of iterative algorithm for focusing light through scattering media,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 9, no. 2, 6100310, Apr. 2017. (doi: 10.1109/JPHOT.2017.2679026)

[137]  C. -S. Li, X. -Y. Qiu, and X. Li, “A hybrid optical wavelength de-multiplexer and power combiner for TWDM PON,” OSA Photonics Research, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 97-102, Apr. 2017.

[136] C. Ke, X. Li, and Y. -P. Xi, Parity-time symmetric complex-coupled distributed feedback laser with excellent immunity to external optical feedback,AIP Advances, vol. 7, no. 3, 4978447, Mar. 2017. (doi:10.1063/1.4978447)

[135] J. Fu, Y. -P. Xi, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Narrow spectral width FP lasers for high speed short-reach applications,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 34, no. 21, pp.  4898-4906, Nov. 2016.

[134] Z. -S. Zhu, X. Li, and Y. -P. Xi, “A polarization insensitive semiconductor optical amplifier,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 28, no. 17, pp. 1831-1834, Sept. 2016.

[133] X. Yin, T. Zhang, J. -H. Li, Z. -S. Zhu, L. Chen, and X. Li, “Ultra-broadband TE-pass polarizer using a cascade of multiple few-layer graphene embedded silicon waveguides, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol.    34, no. 13, pp. 3181-3187, Jul. 2016.

[132] Z. -S. Zhu and X. Li, “A waveguide based anti-reflection structure,” SPIE Optical Engineering, vol. 55, no. 4, 047101, Apr. 2016. (doi:10.1117/1.OE.55.4.047101)

[131] T. Zhang, X. Yin, L. Chen, and X. Li, “A novel ultra-compact polarization beam splitter utilizing a graphene-based asymmetrical directional coupler,” Optics Letters, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 356-359, Jan. 2016.

[130] C. -S. Li, X. Li, X. -Y. Qiu, and Y. -P. Xi, “A novel planar waveguide super-multiple-channel optical power splitter,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 33, no. 24, pp. 5019-5024, Dec. 2015.

[129] Y. Pan, Y. -P. Xi, and X. Li, “Detuned grating single-mode laser with high immunity to external optical feedback,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 7, no. 6, 1504013, Dec. 2015.

[128] K. Chen, X. Li, and Y. -P. Xi, “A horn ridge waveguide DFB laser for high single longitudinal mode yield,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 33, no. 24, pp. 5032-5037, Dec. 2015.

[127] X. Yin, C. Long, J. -H. Li, H. Zhu, L. Chen, J. -G. Guan, and X. Li, “Ultra-wideband microwave absorber by connecting multiple absorption bands of two different-sized hyperbolic meta-material waveguide arrays,” Scientific Reports, vol. 5, 15367, Oct. 2015.

[126] H. Zhu, X. Yin, L. Chen, Z. -S. Zhu, and X. Li, “Manipulating light polarizations with hyperbolic metamaterial waveguide,” Optics Letters, vol. 40, no. 20, pp. 4595-4598, Oct. 2015. (Ranked 2nd in the most downloaded papers in Oct. 2015)

[125] X. Li, Z. -S. Zhu, Y. -P. Xi, L. Han, C. Ke, and Y. Pan, “Single-mode Fabry-Perot laser with deeply-etched slanted double trenches,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 107, no. 9, 091108, Sept. 2015.

[124] X. Yin, L. Chen, and X. Li, “Ultra-broadband super light absorber based on multi-sized tapered hyperbolic metamaterial waveguide arrays,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 33, no. 17, pp. 3704-3710, Sept. 2015.

[123] T. Zhang, L. Chen, B. Wang, and X. Li, “Tunable broadband plasmonic field enhancement on a graphene surface using a normal-incidence plane wave at mid-infrared frequencies,” Scientific Reports, vol. 5, 11195, Jun. 2015.

[122] X. Li, “Longitudinal spatial hole burning, its impact on laser operation, and suppression,” Science Bulletin, vol. 60, no. 11, pp. 1045-1046, Jun. 2015.

[121] X. -T. Zhou, X. Yin, T. Zhang, L. Chen, and X. Li, “Ultrabroad terahertz bandpass filter by hyperbolic metamaterial waveguide,” Optics Express, vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 11657-11664, May 2015.

[120] H. -B. Liang, R. Soref, J. -W. Mu, A. Majumdar, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Simulations of silicon-on-insulator channel-waveguide electro-optical 2 by 2 switches and 1 by 1 modulators using a Ge2Sb2Te5 self-holding layer,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 33, no. 9, pp. 1805-1813, May 2015.

[119] X. Yin, T. Zhang, L. Chen, and X. Li, “Ultra-compact TE-pass polarizer with graphene multilayer embedded in a silicon slot waveguide,” Optics Letters, vol. 40, no. 8, pp. 1733-1736, Apr. 2015.

[118] H. -B. Liang, J. -W. Mu, R. Soref, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “An optical mode-matching method with improved accuracy and efficiency,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 1-8, Feb. 2015.

[117] R. Soref, J. Hendrickson, H. -B. Liang, A. Majumdar, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Electro-optical switching at 1550nm using a two-state GeSe phase-change layer,” Optics Express, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 1536-1546, Jan. 2015.

[116] H. -B. Liang, R. Soref, J. -W. Mu, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Long range mid-infrared propagation in Si and Ge hybrid plasmonic-photonic nano-ribbon waveguides,” Optics Express, vol. 22, no. 23, pp. 28489-28499, Nov. 2014.

[115] X. Yin, T. Zhang, L. Chen, and X. Li, “Plasmonic rainbow trapping by a silica-graphene-silica on a sloping silicon substrate,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 32,  no. 21, pp. 3591-3596, Nov. 2014.

[114] X. -T. Zhou, T. Zhang, L. Chen, W. Hong, and X. Li, “A graphene-based hybrid plasmonic waveguide with ultra-deep subwavelength confinement,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 32, no. 21, pp. 3597-3601, Nov. 2014.

[113] H. -B. Liang, J. -W. Mu, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Insights into complex Berenger modes: a view from weighted optical path distance perspective,” Optics Letters, vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 2811-2814, May 2014.

[112] Y. Li, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Plasmonic single-mode Fabry-Perot lasers based on Schottky contact” Optics Communications, vol. 322, pp. 155-159, Feb. 2014.

[111] X. -J. Liang, J. -W. Mu, X. Li, and Y. -P. Xi, “Efficient active-to-passive light coupling of InGaAsP/InP laser using subwavelength coupler,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 5, no. 6, 6602408, Dec. 2013.

[110] L. Chen, T. Zhang, X. Li, and G. -P. Wang, “Plasmonic rainbow trapping by a grapheme monolayer on a silicon grating substrate,” Optics Express, vol. 21, no. 23, pp. 28628-28637, Nov. 2013.

[109] L. Chen, T. Zhang, and X. Li, “Enhanced optical forces by hybrid long-range plasmonic waveguides,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 31, no. 21, pp. 3432-3438, Nov. 2013.

[108] S. -W. Bao, Y. -P. Xi, S. -Z. Zhao, and X. Li, “Sampled grating DFB laser array by periodic injection blocking,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 19, no. 5, Sept./Oct. 2013.

[107] J. -W. Mu, L. Chen, X. Li, W. -P. Huang, L. C. Kimerling, and J. Michel, “Hybrid nano ridge plasmonic polaritons waveguides,Applied Physics Letters, vol. 103, no. 13, 131107, Sept. 2013.

[106] L. Chen, T. Zhang, and X. Li, “Graphene-based tunable broadband hyperlens for far-field subdiffraction imaging at far-infrared frequencies,” Optics Express, vol. 21, no. 18, pp. 20888-20899, Sept. 2013.

[105] T. Zhang, L. Chen, and X. Li, “Reduction of propagation loss by introducing hybrid plasmonic model in graded-grating based trapped rainbow system,” Optics Communications, vol. 301-302, pp. 116-120, Aug. 2013.

[104] Y. Pan, Y. -P. Xi, L. Han, and X. Li, “Efficient standing-wave model for DFB lasers by nonlinear carrier approximation,” Optical and Quantum Electronics, vol. 45, no. 7, pp. 589-595, Jul. 2013.

[103] L. Chen, T. Zhang, and X. Li, “Rainbow trapping based on long-range plasmonic Bragg gratings at telecom frequencies,” Chinese Physics B, vol. 22, no. 7, 077301, Jul. 2013.

[102] L. Chen, X. Li, and G. -P. Wang, “A hybrid long-range plasmonic waveguide with sub-wavelength confinement,” Optics Communications, vol. 291, pp.400-404, Mar. 2013.

[101] L. Chen, X. Li, and D. -S. Gao, “An efficient directional coupling from dielectric waveguide to hybrid long-range plasmonic waveguide on a silicon platform,” Applied Physics B, 10.1007/s00340-012-5300-6, Dec. 2012.

[100] J. -W. Mu, H. -B. Liang, X. Li, B. Xu, and W. -P. Huang, “Vector mode analysis of optical waveguides by quadratic spline collocation method,” PIER-M, vol. 27, pp. 97-107, 2012.

[99]  L. -X. Deng, L. Han, Y. -P. Xi, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Design optimization for high performance self-assembled quantum dot lasers with Fabry-Perot cavity,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 1600-1609, Oct. 2012.

[98]  L. Chen, X. Li, G. -P. Wang, and W. -P. Huang, “A novel hybrid plasmonic waveguide consisting of two identical dielectric nanowires symmetrically placed on each side of a thin metal film,” Optics Express, vol. 20, no. 10, pp. 20535-20544, Aug. 2012.

[97]  Q. -Y. Guo, X. Li, J. -W. Mu, L. Han, and W. -P. Huang, “Planar waveguide polarization beam splitter based on the form birefringence,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 24, no. 20, pp. 1034-1037, Oct. 2012.

[96]  O. S. Ahmed, M. H. Bakr, X. Li, and T. Nomura, “An adjoint variable method for 2D plasmonic structures,” Optics Letters, vol. 37, no. 16, pp. 3453-3455, Aug. 2012.

[95]  O. S. Ahmed, M. H. Bakr, X. Li, and T. Nomura, “A time-domain adjoint variable method for materials with dispersive constitutive parameters,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 60, no. 10, pp. 2959-2971, Oct. 2012.

[94] O. S. Ahmed, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “A Memory-efficient implementation of TLM-based adjoint sensitivity analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 2122-2125, Apr. 2012.

[93] L. Chen, X. Li, G. Wang, W. Li, S. -H. Chen, L. Xiao, and D. -S. Gao, “A silicon-based three-dimensional hybrid long-range plasmonic waveguide for nanophotonic integration,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 163-168, Jan. 2012.

[92] Q. -Y. Xu, Y. Gan, Y. Lu, X. Li, and C. -Q. Xu, “A three dimensional model for intra-cavity frequency doubled Nd:YVO4/MgO:PPLN green lasers,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 1304-1311, Oct. 2011.

[91] O. S. Ahmed, M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Efficient design optimization of ring resonator-based optical filters,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 29, no. 18, pp. 2812-2817, Sep. 2011.

[90] M. A. Swillam, O. S. Ahmed, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Filter design using multiple coupled microcavities,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 23, no. 16, pp. 1160-1162, Aug. 2011.

[89] Y. Li, Y. -P. Xi, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Design and analysis of single mode Fabry-Perot lasers with high speed modulation capability,” Optics Express, vol. 19, no. 13, pp. 12131-12140, Jun. 2011.

[88] Q. -Y. Xu, Y. Gan, Y. Lu, X. Li, and C. -Q. Xu, “Theoretical analysis of intra-cavity second harmonic generation of semiconductor lasers by a periodically poled nonlinear crystal waveguide,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 462-470, Apr. 2011.

[87] L. Chen, G. Wang, X. Li, W. Li, Y, Shen, J. Lai, and S. Chen, “Broadband slow-light in graded-grating-loaded plasmonic waveguide at telecom frequencies,” Applied Physics B, vol. 104, no. 3,  pp. 653-657, Apr. 2011.

[86] N. Zhou, S. -L. Li, M. -D. Chao, D. -L. Wang, L. Wang, W. Liu, and X. Li, “The single mode stability of quarter-wavelength phase shifted DFB laser diodes fabricated by nano-imprinting,” Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2011-01, pp. 98-103, Jan. 2011.  

[85] M. Rajbaran and X. Li, “Optimized dipole-surface plasmon waveguide coupling for enhancement of SLD performance,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 848-857, Oct. 2010.

[84] K. He and X. Li, “An efficient approach for time-domain simulation of pulse propagation in optical fiber,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 28, no. 20, pp. 2912-2918, Oct. 2010.

[83] O. S. Ahmed, M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Modeling and design of nano-plasmonic structures using transmission line method,” Optics Express, vol. 18, no. 21, pp. 21784-21797, Sep. 2010.

[82] J. W. Mu, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Compact Bragg grating with embedded metallic nano-structures,” Optics Express, vol. 18, no. 15, pp. 15893-15900, Jul. 2010.

[81] O. S. Ahmed, M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Efficient optimization approach for accurate parameter extraction with terahertz time-domain spectroscopy,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 28, no. 11, pp. 1685-1692, Jun. 2010.

[80] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Efficient design of integrated wideband polarization splitter/combiner,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 1176-1183, Apr. 2010.

[79] Q. -Y. Xu, X. Li, C. -Q. Xu, and W. -P. Huang, “Modulation crosstalk and reduction in distributed feedback laser diode and monitor photodiode monolithically integrated optical transceiver,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 323-331, Mar. 2010.

[78] M. Rajbaran and X. Li, “Performance-enhanced superluminescent diode with surface plasmon waveguide,” Optics Express, vol. 17, no. 26, pp. 23643-23654, Dec. 2009.

[77] Y. Li, Y. -P. Xi, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “A single-mode laser based on asymmetric Bragg reflection waveguides,” Optics Express, vol. 17, no. 13, pp. 11179-11186, Jun. 2009.

[76] Y. -P. Xi, W. -P. Huang, and X. Li, “Standing wave model based on threshold hot cavity modes for simulation of gain-coupled DFB lasers,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 27, no. 17, pp. 3853-3860, Sep. 2009.

[75] M. A. Swillam, R. H. Gohary, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Efficient approach for sensitivity analysis of lossy and leaky structures using FDTD,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 94, pp. 197-212, 2009.

[74] S. M. Sadeghi, L. Deng, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Plasmonic (thermal) electromagnetically induced transparency in metallic nanoparticle-quantum dot hybrid systems,” IOP Journal of Nanotechnology 20, 365401, 6pp, 2009.

[73] Y. -P. Xi, W. -P. Huang, and X. Li, “An efficient solution to the standing-wave model based on cold cavity modes for simulation of DFB lasers,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 27, no. 15, pp. 3227-3234, Aug. 2009.

[72] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Design optimization of compact wideband optical switch exploiting stair case index MMI,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 80-87, Jan. 2009.

[71] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Full wave sensitivity analysis of guided wave structures using FDTD,” Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (JEMWA), vol. 22, no. 16, pp. 2135-2145, 2008.

[70] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Efficient 3D sensitivity analysis of surface plasmon waveguide structures,” Optics Express, vol. 16, no. 21, pp. 16371-16381, Oct. 2008.

[69] Y. -P. Xi, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Time-domain standing-wave approach based on cold cavity modes for simulation of DFB lasers,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 44, no. 10, pp. 931-937, Oct. 2008.

[68] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, X. Li, and J. Deen, “Efficient sensitivity analysis of the time independent Schrodinger equation with application to quantum lasers,” Optics Communications, vol. 281, pp. 4169-4554, 2008.

[67] Y. -P. Xi, X. Li, S. M. Sadeghi, and W. -P. Huang, “Dispersive-grating distributed feedback lasers,” Optics Express, vol. 16, no. 14, pp. 10809-10814, Jul. 2008.

[66] S. M. Sadeghi, W. Li, X. Li, and W.-P. Huang, “Functional photonic superstructures: Coherent formation of active-passive photonic band gap heterostructures and photonic subbands,” Physics Review B 77, 125313, 2008.

[65] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Full vectorial 3D sensitivity analysis and design optimization using BPM,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 528-536, Mar. 2008.

[64] S. M. Sadeghi, W. Li, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Tunable infrared semiconductor lasers based on electromagnetically induced optical defects,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 1046-1053, Sep./Oct.  2007.

[63] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Efficient adjoint sensitivity analysis exploiting the FD-BPM,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 1861-1869, Jul. 2007.

[62] S. M. Sadeghi, X. Li, W.-P. Huang, and W. Li, “Destruction and enhancement of photonic band gap and coherent localization of optical fields in functional photonic crystals,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 101, no. 12, pp. 123107.1-123107.6, Jun. 2007.

[61] S. M. Sadeghi, W. Li, X. Li, and W.-P. Huang, “Purely loss-coupled distributed feedback lasers based on electromagnetically induced absorption in active photonic band gaps,” Physics Review A, vol. 75, no. 6B, pp. 063829.1-063829.5, 2007.

[60] Y. -P. Xi, W. -P. Huang, and X. Li, “High-order split-step schemes for time-dependent coupled-wave equations,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 419-425, May 2007.

[59] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “The design of multilayer coatings using convex optimization,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 1078-1085, Apr. 2007.

[58] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Accurate sensitivity analysis of photonic devices that exploits FDTD-CAVM,” OSA Journal of Applied Optics, vol. 46, no. 9, pp. 1492-1499, Mar. 2007.

[57] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, N. K. Nikolova, and X. Li, “Adjoint sensitivity analysis of dielectric discontinuities using FDTD,” Journal of Electromagnetics, vol. 27, no. 2&3, pp. 123-140, 2007.

[56] W. -P. Huang, X. Li, C. -Q. Xu, X. -B. Hong, C. -L. Xu, and W. -G. Liang, “Optical transceivers for fiber-to-the-premises applications: system requirements and enabling technologies,” (Invited tutorial) IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 11-27, Jan. 2007.

[55] A. M. Shams, W. Li, and X. Li, “Above-threshold spectrum of the radiation field in surface-emitting DFB lasers,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 31-41, Jan. 2007.

[54] S. M. Sadeghi, W. Li, X. Li, and W.-P. Huang, “Photonic electromagnetically induced transparency and collapse of superradiant modes in Bragg multiple quantum wells,” Physics Review B 74, 161304R, 2006.

[53] S. M. Sadeghi, W. Li, W. -P. Huang, and X. Li, “Purely gain-coupled distributed feedback laser via a bright optical lattice,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 88, 211111, 2006.

[52] D. Labukhin and X. Li, “Polarization insensitive asymmetric ridge waveguide design for semiconductor optical amplifiers and super-luminescent light emitting diodes,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 1137-1143, Nov. 2006.

[51] J. -W. Park, Y. Kawakami, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Comparative analysis of the effects of internal lasing oscillation and external light injection on semiconductor optical amplifier performance,” Optics Communications, vol. 267, pp. 379-387, 2006.

[50] X. -M. Zhu, S. Kumar, and X. Li, “Analysis and comparison of impairments in DPSK and OOK transmission systems based on the error probability,” OSA Journal of Applied Optics, vol. 45, no. 26,  pp. 6812-6822, Sep. 2006.

[49] S. M. Sadeghi, W. Li, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Coherently tunable mid-infrared distributed feedback lasers,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 42, no. 8, pp. 752-759, Aug. 2006.

[48] J. -W. Park and X. Li, “Theoretical and numerical analysis of superluminescent diodes,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 2473-2480, Jun. 2006.

[47] A. M. Shams, W. Li, Hans Wenzel, and X. Li, “Amplified spontaneous emission spectrum of the radiation field in surface-emitting DFB lasers,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 24, no. 4,  pp. 1824-1833, Apr. 2006.

[46] X. Li and J. -W. Park, “Time-domain simulation of channel crosstalk and inter-modulation distortion in gain clamped semiconductor optical amplifiers,” Optics Communications, vol. 263, pp. 219-228, 2006.

[45] S. M. Sadeghi, W. Li, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Optical switching of one-dimensional photonic band gaps and coherent generation of dark and bright optical lattices in quantum wells, ” Physics Review B 73, 035304, 2006.

[44] X. Li, G. Zhou, N. Feng, and W. -P. Huang, “A novel planar waveguide wavelength demultiplexer design for integrated optical triplexer transceiver,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 1214-1216, Jun. 2005.

[43] J. -W. Park, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Comparative study of mixed frequency-time-domain models of semiconductor laser optical amplifiers,” IEE Proc. Optoelectron., vol. 152, pp. 151-159, Jun. 2005.

[42] D. Labukhin and X. Li, “3D-FDTD simulation of facet reflection through parallel computing,” Journal of Computational Electronics, vol. 4, no. 1-2, pp. 15-19, Apr. 2005.

[41] J. -W. Park, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Gain clamping in semiconductor optical amplifiers with second-order index-coupled DFB grating,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 366-375, Mar. 2005.

[40] X. Li, X. Chen, and M. Qasmi, “A broad-band digital filtering approach for time domain simulation of pulse propagation in optical fiber,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 864-875, Feb. 2005.

[39] J. -W. Park, W. -P. Huang, and X. Li, “Investigation of semiconductor optical amplifier integrated with DBR laser for high saturation power and fast gain dynamics,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 40, no. 11, pp. 1540-1547, Nov. 2004.

[38] W. Li, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “A traveling wave model for laser diodes with consideration for thermal effects,” Optical and Quantum Electronics 36: 709-724, 2004.

[37] W. Li, W. -P. Huang, and X. Li, “Digital filter approach for simulation of a complex integrated laser diode based on the traveling-wave model,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 473-480, May 2004.

[36] G. Zhou and X. Li, “Wave equation based semi-vectorial compact 2D-FDTD method for optical waveguide modal analysis,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 677-683, Feb. 2004.

[35] J. -W. Park, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Performance simulation and design optimization of gain-clamped semiconductor optical amplifiers based on distributed Bragg reflectors.” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 39, no. 11, pp. 1415-1423, Nov. 2003.

[34] G. Zhou, N. Feng, and X. Li, “A digital filter approach for complex frequency-shifted perfectly matched layer in semi-vectorial FDTD,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 15, no.11, pp. 1552-1554, Nov. 2003.

[33] A. Shams, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Hankel transform-domain analysis of scattered fields in multilayer planar waveguides and laser with circular gratings,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 1086-1098, Sep. 2003.

[32] G. Zhou, X. Li, and N. Feng, “Design of deeply etched antireflective waveguide terminators,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 384-391, Feb. 2003.

[31] A. Shams, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Second and higher-order resonant gratings with gain or loss: Part 1, Green's function analysis,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 36, no. 12, pp. 1421-1430, Dec. 2000.

[30] A. Shams, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Second and higher-order resonant gratings with gain or loss: Part 2, Designing complex-coupled DFB lasers with second-order gratings,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 36, no. 12, pp. 1431-1437, Dec. 2000.

[29] W. Li, W. -P. Huang, X. Li, and J. Hong, “Multiwavelength gain-coupled DFB laser cascade: Design modeling and simulation,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 36, no. 10, pp. 1110-1116, Oct. 2000.

[28] A. Shams, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Above-threshold analysis of second-order circular DFB laser,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 259-267, Mar. 2000.

[27] X. Li, W. -P. Huang, D. M. Adams, C. Rolland, and T. Makino, “Modeling and design for DFB laser integrated with Mach-Zehnder modulator,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 34, no. 10, pp. 1807-1815, Oct. 1998.

[26] X. Li, A. D. Sadovnikov, W. -P. Huang, and T. Makino, “A physics-based three-dimensional model for distributed feedback (DFB) laser diodes,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 1545-1553, Sep. 1998.

[25] T. Nakamura, C. L. Xu, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “A spot-size transformer based on mode interference,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 325-327, Apr. 1997.

[24] J. Hong, K. W. Leong, T. Makino, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Impact of random facet phases on modal properties of partly gain-coupled distributed-feedback lasers,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 555-568, Apr. 1997.

[23] D. Sadovnikov, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “A two-dimensional DFB laser model accounting for carrier transport effects,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 31, no. 10, pp. 1856-1862, Oct. 1995.

[22] X. Li and W. -P. Huang, “Simulation of DFB lasers incorporating thermal effects,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 31, no. 10, pp. 1848-1855, Oct. 1995.

[21] W. -P. Huang, X. Li, and T. Makino, “Analytical formulas for modulation responses of semiconductor DFB lasers,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 842-851, May 1995.

[20] X. Li and W. -P. Huang, “Analysis of frequency chirp in DFB lasers integrated with external modulators,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 2756-2766, Dec. 1994.

[19] X. Li, W. -P. Huang, and S. Jian, “The oscillation condition of laser diode using degenerate-four-wave-mixing phase-conjugation reflector,” Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University, Special Issue, pp. 80-84, Sep. 1994.

[18] G. Chen, S. Jian, H. Ge, L. Yang, X. Li, and W. Wang, “Fabrication of high quality UV written fiber Bragg gratings,” Chinese Science Bulletin, 42(5), pp. 377-379, May 1997.

[17] G. Chen, S. Jian, H. Ge, L. Yang, X. Li, and W. Wang, “High quality UV written fiber gratings,” Chinese Journal of Lasers, B6(1), pp. 34-37, Jan. 1997.

[16] G. Chen, X. Li, L. Yang, S. Jian, H. Ge, X. Hu, and W. Wang, “Fiber photo-sensitivity and fiber grating fabrication by UV writing,” Chinese Journal of Electronics, 19(1), pp. 24-28, Jan. 1997.

[15] G. Chen, X. Li, L. Yang, S. Jian, H. Ge, and W. Wang, “Chirped fiber Bragg gratings for optical fiber dispersion compensation,” Chinese Physics Letter, 13(11), pp. 848-850, Nov. 1996.

[14] G. Chen, S. Jian, H. Ge, L. Yang, X. Li, G. An, and W. Wang, “On the study of KrF laser induced fiber gratings,” Chinese Journal of Transportation, 18(6), pp. 8-12, Jun. 1996.

[13] X. Li, G. Chen, and S. Jian, “Detection of non-Poisson distributed photoelectrons,” Journal of China Institute of Communication, vol. 16, no. 10, pp. 791-795, Oct. 1995.

[12] Q. Gao, S. Jian, and X. Li, “The effects of nonlinear loss on soliton propagation,” Chinese Journal of Electronics, 17(5), pp. 380-383, May 1995.

[11] S. Jian, Q. Gao, and X. Li, “On optical soliton communication,” Journal of China Institute of Communication, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 250-254, Apr. 1995.

[10] X. Li, G. Chen, and S. Jian, “Theory and experiments of LPE on curved InP surface,” Chinese Journal of Semiconductors, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 93-100, Feb. 1995.

[9] X. Li, G. Chen, and S. Jian, “Theory and experiments of InGaAsP/InP MQW structure grown by LPE method,” Chinese Journal of Luminescence, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 70-77, Jan. 1995.

[8] G. Chen, X. Li, and S. Jian, “Solid-liquid equilibrium of Zn-Se-Te ternary system in Te-rich region and the LPE growth of ZnSeTe thin film on InP substrate,” Chinese Journal of Semiconductors, vol. 15, no. 12, pp. 844-849, Dec. 1994.

[7] X. Li, Q. Gao, G. Chen, and S. Jian, “Quantum statistics of photoelectrons from the light submitted to non-Poisson Distribution,” Chinese Journal of Electronics, 16(10), pp. 741-745, Oct. 1994.

[6] Q. Gao and X. Li, “Effect of exponential transverse influence on soliton propagation,” Acta Phatonica Sinica, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 305-307, Aug. 1994.

[5] X. Li, Q. Gao, and S. Jian, “Soliton propagation with (A+Bz)-type transverse influence,” Chinese Physics Letters, 11(4), pp. 288-290, Apr. 1994.

[4] X. Li, S. Jian, S. Zhao, and N. Zhou, “Development of 1.52um InGaAsP/InP DAL-DC-PBH DSM LDs,” Chinese Journal of Semiconductors, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 551-553, May 1987.

[3] S. Huang, X. Mao, Z. Yang, M. Cheng, and X. Li, “A 50 km 560 Mb/s optical transmission experiment,” Information, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 55-56, Apr. 1987.

[2] S. Zhao, X. Li, and G. Xu, “Life test of 1.3um InGaAsP/InP DC-PBH laser diodes,” Journal of China Institute of Communication, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 35-39, 1987.

[1] S. Zhao, D. Wang, Y. Wu, and X. Li, “Development of 1.3um DC-PBH LDs,” Lightwave Communication Research, vol. 85, no. 1, pp. 1-4, Jan. 1985.

2. Conference Papers

A. Invited Papers (25)

[25] X. Li, “1550nm AlGaInAs/InGaAsP-InP tunable distributed feedback laser with high linearity under direct analog modulation,” ICOCN’2023 (The 21st International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks), Qufu, China, Jul. 2023.

[24] X. Li, “Recent advances on edge emitting semiconductor lasers,” FPIC’2023 (The 4th Forum on Photonic Integrated Circuits), Xiamen, China, Aug. 2023.

[23] X. Li, “Design, modeling, and simulation of advanced optoelectronic devices,” Future Optical Communication Forum’2022 (ORAB Workshop 2022), Ottawa, Canada, Nov. 2022.

[22] X. Li, “Progress on performance and reliability enhancement of optoelectronic devices,” Huawei Optical Valley Forum’2022, Wuhan, P. R. China, Oct. 2022.

[21] X. Li, “The state-of-the-art technology in high-speed laser/modulator for short reach optical interconnects,” IPEC Workshop (Global Advanced Optoelectronic Technology and Industry Development Seminar), Jun. 29, 2021.

[20] X. Li, C. Ke, and M. -W. Lang, “Directly push-pull modulated DFB lasers with an ultra-broad 3dB modulation bandwidth,” Invited Paper at the 16th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN’17), Wuzhen, P. R. China, Aug. 2017.

[19] X. Li, C. -L. Zuo, Y. Yu, X. -Q. Dai, L. -P. Wang, and Y. -P. Xi, “A horn-waveguide asymmetric reflective semiconductor optical amplifier for the colorless ONU in the WDM-PON,” Invited Paper at the 15th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN’16), Hangzhou, P. R. China, Sept. 2016.

[18] X. Li, L. Chen, and W. Hong, “Graphene and metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) plasmons,” Invited Paper at the 6th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals, and Plasmonics (META’15), New York, USA, Aug. 2015.

[17] K. Wang, Y. -P. Xi, L. -P. Wang, and X. Li, “A novel photodetector based on the monolithic integration of the VCSOA and PIN,” Invited Paper at the 14th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN’15), Nanjing, P. R. China, Jul. 2015.

[16] X. Li, Y. Xi, W. Li, S. Chen, and N. Zhou, “Wavelength tunability in centre phase-shifted DFB laser diodes,” Invited Paper at Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM’10), Wuhan, P. R. China, Nov. 2010.

[15] X. Li and M. Ranjbaran, “Performance enhancement of superluminescent light emitting diode built on surface plasmonic waveguide,” Invited Paper at Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM’09), Wuhan, P. R. China, Aug. 2009.

[14] X. Li and M. Huang, “A novel planar waveguide optical power splitter,” Invited Paper at Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM’08), Wuhan, P. R. China, Nov. 2008.

[13] X. Li, Y. -P. Xi, and W. -P. Huang, “Threshold analysis of a novel dispersive grating distributed feedback laser diode,” Invited Paper at Asian Optical Fiber Communication and Optoelectronic Exposition and Conference (AOE’07), Shanghai, P. R. China, Oct. 2007.

[12] W. -P. Huang, X. Li, and C. -Q. Xu, “Towards fully integrated optical transceivers for FTTH applications: requirements, challenges and recent progress,” Invited Paper at ICOCN, Bankok, Thailand, Dec. 2005.

[11] W. -P. Huang, D. Zhou, C. Xu, and X. Li, “Modeling of magneto-optical disk by FDTD and vector diffraction theory,” Invited Paper at 10th International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology (ISMOT'05), Fukuoka, Japan, Aug. 2005.

[10] X. Li, G. Zhou, N. Feng, and W. -P. Huang, “Modeling and simulation of partially integrated triplexer transceiver design for FTTH,Invited Paper at International Symposium on Fiber-Optic Communications, Shanghai, P. R. China, Oct. 2004.

[9] X. Li and J. -W. Park, “Time-domain modeling and simulation of the broadband behavior of semiconductor optical amplifiers,” Invited Paper at the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), ITCom’2003, Orlando, Florida, USA, Sep. 2003.

[8] X. Li, “Computer-aided modeling and simulation of integrated optoelectronic devices for DWDM fiber-optic communication systems and networks,” Invited Paper at 11th Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC’02), Newark, New Jersey, USA, Apr. 2002.

[7] X. Li, “Simulation of semiconductor distributed-feedback laser diodes by using hierarchical model,” Invited Paper at Asian Pacific Communication Conference/Optoelectronic Component Conference (APCC/OECC’99), Beijing, P. R. China, Oct. 1999.

[6] X. Li and W. -P. Huang, “Hierarchical modeling of semiconductor distributed-feedback laser diodes,” Invited Paper at IEEE Integrated Photonics Research (IPR) Topic Meeting, Santa Barbara, California, USA, Jul. 1999.

[5] X. Li and W. -P. Huang, “Parameter extraction for DFB laser diodes,” Invited Paper at Symposium on Advanced Optoelectronic Device for Optical Fiber Communication Systems, IEICE, Kofu, Yamanashi, Japan, Oct. 1998.

[4] W. -P. Huang, X. Li, and C. L. Xu, “Computer-aided modeling and simulation of optoelectronic devices,” Invited Paper at Symposium on Advanced Optoelectronic Device for Optical Fiber Communication Systems, IEICE, Tokyo, Japan, Jun. 1997.

[3] W. -P. Huang and X. Li, “Modeling and simulation of semiconductor DFB lasers: a hierarchical approach,” Invited Paper at 5th International Workshop on Computational Electronics, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, May 1997.

[2] X. Li, W. -P. Huang, D. Adams, C. Rolland, and T. Makino, “Adiabatic frequency chirp analysis in semiconductor DFB lasers monolithically integrated with Mach-Zehnder Modulators,” Invited Paper at Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Hong Kong, Jan. 1997.

[1] W. -P. Huang, X. Li, and A. D. Sadovnikov, “Modeling and simulation of semiconductor DFB lasers: A classical approach,” Invited Paper at Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Seattle, Washington, USA, Jul. 1995.

 B. Contributed Papers (95)

[95] R. S. El Shamy, X. Li, and M. A. Swillam, “Silicon nitride devices for visible and near-infrared refractive index sensing,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, USA, Jan. 2024.

[94] Thomas J. Mikhail, Raghi S. El Shamy, Mohamed A. Swillam, and Xun Li “Prediction of medium chemical concentration with micro-ring resonators and deep learning,” SPIE OPTO, San Francisco, CA, USA, Mar. 2023.

[93] R. S. El Shamy, A. Sultan, M. A. Swillam, and X. Li, “Visible and near-infrared photonic components library based on silicon nitride platform,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, USA, Jan. 2023.

[92] R. S. El Shamy, M. A. Swillam, and X. Li, “Micro-ring resonator for complex refractive index detection at multiple wavelengths,” Optica Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science (FiOLS) 2022, Rochester, New York, USA, Oct. 2022.

[91] R. S. El Shamy, X. Li, and M. A. Swillam, “On-chip virus sensing using silicon nitride waveguide,” SPIE Photonics North, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, May 2022.

[90] R. S. El Shamy, X. Li, M. M. El Rayany, A. Sultan, and M. A. Swillam, “On-chip loop-terminated Mach-Zehnder interferometer gas sensor,” SPIE Photonics North, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, May 2022.

[89] Z. -K. Lin and X. Li, “Vertically coupled III-V/silicon single mode laser with a hybrid grating structure,” The 19th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN’2021), Qufu, P. R. China, Aug. 2021.

[88] M. Bagheri and X. Li, “Phase noise analysis of a modified cross coupled oscillator,” The 17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science, and Automatic Control (CCE-2020), Mexico City, Mexico, Nov. 2020.

[87] N. Liu, Z. -J. Wang, and X. Li, “Enhabced magneto-optical effects via photonic doping,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS’19), Xiamen, P. R. China, Dec. 2019.

[86] Z. -J. Wang, C. -N. Niu, Y. -M. Liu, and X. Li, “Photonic heterostructure as a platform for engineered chiroptical responses,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS’19), Xiamen, P. R. China, Dec. 2019.

[85] T. Wang, G. -M. He, and X. Li, “An electro-optic controllable polarization rotator based on GaN/Al0.3Ga0.7N superlattice waveguide,” The 8th Applied Optics and Photonics China (AOPC’19), Beijing, P. R. China, Jul. 2019.

[84] Z. -X. Dong, X. Li, H. Wang, and C. -L. Zuo, “Integrated VCSOA and PIN with high sensitivity,” International Conference on Electronic Technology and Information Science (ICETIS’19), Shenzhen, P. R. China, Feb. 2019.

[83] Q. -Y. Zhang and X. Li, “One-way rotating ring resonator based on gyromagnetic photonic crystal,” The International Symposium on Plasmonics and Nano-photonics (iSPN2018), Hangzhou, P. R. China, May 2018.

[82] C. -L. Zuo and X. Li, “A horn-waveguide asymmetric RSOA as colorless transmitter in WDM-PON with reduced crosstalk,” CLEO Pacific Rim 2018 Conference, Hong Kong, Jul. 2018.

[81] Y. -L. Zhou and X. Li, “Imaging through disordered objects without utilizing space phase modulator,” The 2nd International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (SPIE-ICPOE’16), Xi’an, P. R. China, Oct. 2016.

[80] Y. -Y. Xia, K. Wang, X. Li, Y. -P. Xi, and L. -P. Wang, “A vertical cavity semiconductor optical amplifier monolithically integrated with the photo-detector,” Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP’16), Wuhan, P. R. China, Nov. 2016.

[79] C. Ke, X. Li, and Y. -P. Xi, “Design optimization for 25Gbps DML AlGaInAs/InP SL-MQW laser diode,” Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP’16), Wuhan, P. R. China, Nov. 2016.

[78] S. -Y. Li, J. -Y. Zhao, N. Zhou, M. -Y. Zhang, R. -F. Wang, X. -M. Chen, S. -H. Yu, Q. Yang, and X. Li, “A monolithic tunable laser based on cascading of distributed feedback (DFB) laser array,” IEEE.CIC International Conference on Communications in China (CIC/ICCC’16), Chengdu, P. R. China, Jul. 2016.

[77] J. -C. Liu, J. Li, Y. -P. Xi, X. Li, C. Ke, Y. Wang, and Z. -M. Fu, “L-band directly modulated laser for  10G-PONs,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS’16), Shanghai, P. R. China, Aug. 2016.

[76] Z. -S. Zhu, X. Li, and Y. -P. Xi, “An integrated polarization independent semiconductor optical amplifier,” The 11th Chinese National Conference on Optoelectronics and Laser Technology, Shanghai, P. R. China, Mar. 2016.

[75] J. -Q. Qi, Y. -P. Xi, and X. Li, “Design optimization of push-pull 40Gbps directly modulated DFB laser diodes,” The 15th IEEE/LEOS International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD’15), Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 2015.

[74] J. Li, J. -C. Liu, Y. -P. Xi, X. Li, Y. Wang, Z. -M. Fu, “Experiment study of the L-band DFB laser in 10G access networks,” The International Photonics and Optoelectronics Meeting (PEOM’15), Wuhan, Jun. 2015.

[73] M. He, T. Wang, J. -W. Mu, and X. Li, “Calculation of electro-optic birefringence of AlGaN/InGaN/GaN superlattice,” The 4th Annual World Congress of Advanced Materials (WCAM’15), Chongqing, P. R. China, May 2015.

[72] T. Wang, J. -W. Mu, and X. Li, “An electro-optic controllable polarization rotator based on GaN/Al0.3Ga0.7N superlattice waveguide,” The 8th International Conference on Nanophotonics (ICON’15), Changchun, P. R. China, May 2015.

[71] H. -B. Liang, J. -W. Mu, L. Han, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, "Progress in complex mode matching method," The IEEE international Conference on Computational Electromagnetics (ICCEM), Hong Kong, Feb. 2015.

[70] H. -B. Liang, J. -W. Mu, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, "An investigation into the phase angles of high-order Berenger modes," The IEEE Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics (IPR) Topical Meeting, USA, Jun. 2014.

[69] H. -B. Liang, J. -W. Mu, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, "Improved complex mode matching method for optical waveguide analysis," The IEEE Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics (IPR) Topical Meeting, USA, Jun. 2014.

[68] Q. -Y. Guo, L. -X. Deng, J. -W. Mu, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Investigation f mode partition noise in Fabry-Perot laser diode,” SPIE Photonics North, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 2014.

[67] H. -B. Liang, J. -W. Mu, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Roles of high order bending modes in optical wave coupling,” SPIE Photonics North, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 2014.

[66] O. S. Ahmed, M. H. Bakr, X. Li, and T. Nomura, “Adjoint variable method for general material models towards efficient sensitivity analysis of subwavelength structures,” SPIE Photonics North, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Jun. 2013.

[65] O. S. Ahmed, M. H. Bakr, X. Li, and T. Nomura, “Sensitivity analysis with materials of frequency dependent parameters,” Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES’2013), Monterey, California, USA, Mar. 2013.

[64] O. S. Ahmed, M. H. Bakr, X. Li, and T. Nomura, “Wideband sensitivity analysis of plasmonic structures,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, California, USA, Feb. 2013.

[63] Y. -P. Xi, L. Han, and X. Li, “Efficient simulation method for DFB lasers with large gain saturation effect,” 12th IEEE/LEOS International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD-12), Shanghai, P. R. China, Aug. 2012.

[62] O. S. Ahmed, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Memory efficient adjoint sensitivity analysis exploiting 3D time domain transmission line modeling,” IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Jun. 2012.

[61] O. S. Ahmed, M. H. Bakr, M. A. Swillam, and X. Li, “Efficient sensitivity analysis of photonic structures with transmission line modeling,” SPIE Photonics North, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Jun. 2012.

[60] O. S. Ahmed, M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “A perturbation approach for the design of coupled resonator optical waveguides (CROWs),” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, California, USA, Jan. 2012.

[59] L. -X. Deng, L. Han, Y. -P. Xi, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Design optimization of high performance single-mode Fabry-Perot lasers based on quantum dot materials,” IEEE Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics (IPR) Topical Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Jun. 2011.

[58] M. A. Swillam, O. S. Ahmed, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Microcavity filter design using convex optimization methodology,” IEEE Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics (IPR) Topical Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Jun. 2011.

[57] O. S. Ahmed, M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Transmission line modeling of nano-plasmonic devices,” IEEE Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics (IPR) Topical Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Jun. 2011.

[56] Q. -Y. Guo, K. He, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Upstream link simulation of OOFDM-PON,” IEEE Access Networks and In-house Communications (ANIC) Topical Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Jun. 2011.

[55] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Graded index MMI and its application in optical communications,” SPIE Photonics North, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 2011.

[54] O. S. Ahmed, M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Accurate characterization of doped semiconductors with terahertz spectroscopy,” SPIE Photonics North, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 2011.

[53] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Wideband integrated polarization splitter/combiner,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, California, USA, Jan. 2011.

[52] O. S. Ahmed, M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Efficient and accurate parameter extraction approach for terahertz time domain spectroscopy,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, California, USA, Jan. 2011.

[51] M. A. Swillam, R. H. Gohary, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Efficient sensitivity analysis of modal parameters of lossy structure using FDTD,” IEEE Antenna and Propagation International Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Jul. 2010.

[50] Q. -Y. Xu, Y. Lu, Y. Gan, X. Li, and C. -Q. Xu, “Experimental and theoretical characterization of Nd: YVO4/PPMgO:LN green lasers,” SPIE Photonics North, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, Jun. 2010.

[49] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Efficient approach for dispersion engineering of guided wave components,” SPIE Photonics North, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, Jun. 2010.

[48] Q. -Y. Xu, J. -W. Mu, C. -Q. Xu, and X. Li, “Experimental and theoretical characterization of multimode fiber Bragg grating external cavity lasers,” SPIE Photonics North, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, May. 2009.

[47] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Efficient sensitivity analysis of quantum structures for semiconductor lasers,” IEEE LEOS Annual Conference, Newport Beach, California, USA, Nov. 2008.

[46] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Wide band optical switch using stair case MMI,” IEEE LEOS Annual Conference, Newport Beach, California, USA, Nov. 2008.

[45] Y. -P. Xi, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “An efficient standing-wave model for simulation of quarter-wavelength phase-shifted DFB lasers,” Asian Optical Fiber Communication and Optoelectronic Exposition and Conference (AOE’08), Shanghai, P. R. China, Oct. 2008.

[44] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Efficient approach for 3D full vectorial sensitivity analysis using ADI-BPM,” IEEE Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications (IPNRA) Topical Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Jul. 2008.

[43] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Accurate and efficient sensitivity analysis using the beam propagation method,” SPIE Photonics North, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Jun. 2008.

[42] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, N. K. Nikolova, and X. Li, “Second order accurate adjoint sensitivities of dielectric discontinuities using FDTD,” 24th International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES), Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, Apr. 2008.

[41] B. C. Green, S. -Q. Yu, J. -B. Wang, X. Li, and Y. -H. Zhang, “Broad spectrum superluminescence diodes utilizing internal optical pumping of additional gain regions and separate quasi-Fermi levels,” SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, California, USA, Jan. 2008.

[40] W. Li, S. M. Sadeghi, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Functional photonic band gap structures based on electromagnetically induced transparency in the conduction inter-subband transitions of quantum wells,” SPIE NanoScience and Engineering, San Diego, California, USA, Aug. 2007.

[39] S. M. Sadeghi, W. Li, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Coherent control of multiple quantum well active photonic band gaps via infrared dressing of superradiant excitons,” SPIE NanoScience and Engineering, San Diego, California, USA, Aug. 2007.

[38] S. M. Sadeghi, W. Li, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Functional photonic band gap structures based on electromagnetically induced transparency in the conduction intersubband transitions of quantum wells,” SPIE NanoScience and Engineering, San Diego, California, USA, Aug. 2007. 

[37] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “BPM based efficient sensitivity analysis exploiting the adjoint variable method,” IEEE Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications (IPNRA) Topical Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Jul. 2007.

[36] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Design of multilayer optical filters using linear programming based on autocorrelation sequences,” IEEE Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications (IPNRA) Topical Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Jul. 2007.

[35] Y. -P. Xi, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Standing-wave model based on cold cavity modes for simulation of laser diodes,” IEEE Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications (IPNRA) Topical Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Jul. 2007.   

[34] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “A novel design approach for multilayer dielectric filters exploiting linear programming,” IEEE Antenna and Propagation International Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Jun. 2007.

[33] M. A. Swillam, M. H. Bakr, and X. Li, “Accurate and efficient sensitivity extraction of complex structures using FDTD,” SPIE Photonics North, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Jun. 2007. (Student Paper Award, 3rd Place Prize)

[32] X. -B. Hong, Q. -Y. Xu, W. -G. Liang, W. -P. Huang, X. Li, and C. -Q. Xu, “Crosstalk analysis in in-line transceiver,” SPIE Photonics North, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Jun. 2007.

[31] Q. -Y. Xu, X. -B. Hong, W. -G. Liang, X. Li, C. -Q. Xu, and W. -P. Huang, “Simulation of crosstalk in integrated distributed feedback laser-photodiode optical transceivers,” SPIE Photonics North, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, Jun. 2006.

[30] W. Li, G. -X. Chen, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Active mode locking: quantum oscillator vs. classical coupled oscillators,” 6th IEEE International Conference on Electro/information Technology, East Lansing, Michigan, USA, May 2006.

[29] S. M. Sadeghi, W. Li, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Electromagnetically induced wire-like DFB laser,” IEEE Joint Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS), Long Beach, California, USA, May 2006.

[28] S. M. Sadeghi, W. Li, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Coherently controlled time delay line and DFB laser based on a single electromagnetically induced photonic band gap structure,” IEEE Integrated Photonics Research and Applications (IPRA) Topical Meeting, Uncasville, Connecticut, USA, Apr. 2006. 

[27] S. M. Sadeghi, W. Li, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Coherent photonic lattices formed by active nanostructures,IEEE Nanophotonics (NANO) Topical Meeting, Uncasville, Connecticut, USA, Apr. 2006. 

[26] J. -W. Park, Y. Kawakami, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Performance simulation and design optimization of superluminescent emitting diodes,” 5th IEEE/LEOS International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD-05), Berlin, Germany, Sep. 2005.

[25] J. Wang, T. Li, W. Xu, R. Yu, J. Ramalingam, Z. Wu, L. Song, W. Zhu, and X. Li, “Ultra broad bandwidth and high power superluminescent light emitting diodes,” SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, California, USA, Jan. 2005.

[24] D. Labukhin and X. Li, “3D-FDTD simulation of facet reflection through parallel computing,” 10th IEEE International Workshop on Computational Electronics, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, Oct. 2004.

[23] J. -W. Park, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “Time-domain traveling wave models for the modeling and simulation of semiconductor laser optical amplifiers,” 4th IEEE/LEOS International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD-04), Santa Barbara, California, USA, Aug. 2004.

[22] G. Zhou, X. Li, and N. Feng, “Optimization of deeply-etched antireflective waveguide terminators by space mapping technique,” IEEE Integrated Photonics Research (IPR) Topical Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, Jul. 2004.

[21] Z. Zheng and X. Li, “A theoretical study on transient behavior of gain-clamped Er-doped fiber amplifiers in WDM systems,” 9th IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), Beijing, P. R. China, Jun. 2002.

[20] J. Hong, K. -W. Leong, J. Evans, T. Makino, X. Li, and W. -P. Huang, “High single-mode-yield 1.3-um gain-coupled DFB laser with truncated QWs: comprehensive comparison between theory and experiment,” OFC'97, paper WL56, Dallas, Texas, USA, Feb. 1997.

[19] G. Chen, X. Li, and S. Jian, “Analysis of four-wave mixing in dispersion-shifted fibers,” 1st Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Chiba, Japan, Jul. 1996.

[18] G. Chen, X. Li, and S. Jian, “Alpha-Power chirped fiber Bragg gratings for optical fiber dispersion cancellation,” 1st Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Chiba, Japan, Jul. 1996.

[17] G. Chen, S. Jian, L. Yang, X. Li, H. Ge, and W. Wang, “Analysis of dispersion compensation using linearly chirped fiber grating with uniform coupling profile,” SPIE Proceedings, vol. 2893, pp. 99-104, 1996.

[16] G. Chen, S. Jian, L. Yang, X. Li, H. Ge, and W. Wei, “Fabrication of high-reflectivity fiber Bragg gratings by excimer laser irradiated phase masks,” SPIE Proceedings, vol. 2893, pp. 427-431, 1996.

[15] G. Chen, S. Jian, L. Yang, X. Li, M. Cheng, H. Ge, and W. Wei, “Fabrication of fused silica phase masks by reactive ion etching,” SPIE Proceedings, vol. 2885, pp. 164-168, 1996.

[14] G. Chen, S. Jian, L. Yang, X. Li, H. Ge, and W. Wei, “Analysis of near-field holographic pattern formation using phase masks,” SPIE Proceedings, vol. 2885, pp. 169-174, 1996.

[13] X. Li and W. -P. Huang, “Optimized design for adiabatic frequency chirp in semiconductor DFB lasers monolithically integrated with Mach-Zehnder Modulators,” SPIE Photonics East, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Oct. 1996.

[12] W. -P. Huang, X. Li, and T. Makino, “Analytical formulas for modulation responses of semiconductor DFB lasers,” IEEE Conference Edition of Integrated Photonics Research (IPR), pp. 118-119, Dana Point, California, USA, Feb. 1995.

[11] X. Li, G. Chen, and S. Jian, “The phase diagram and experiments of InP growth by Sn solution,” Proceedings of 6th Chinese National Conference on OFC'93, Shanghai, P. R. China, Sep. 1993.

[10] X. Li, W. Lan, and S. Jian, “Surface protection in LPE on curved InP surface,” Proceedings of 6th Chinese National Conference on OFC'93, Shanghai, P. R. China, Sep. 1993.

[9] Q. Gao, X. Li, and S. Jian, “Nonlinear pulse transmission in optical fiber,” Proceedings of 4th Sino-Japanese Joint Meeting on OFSET'93, Xi’an, Shanxi, P. R. China, Oct. 1993.

[8] X. Li, G. Chen, and S. Jian, “Calculation of SNR improvement caused by the PIN dead-time effect,” Proceedings of 4th Sino-Japanese Joint Meeting on OFSET'93, Xi’an, Shanxi, P. R. China, Oct. 1993.

[7] X. Li, S. Jian, S. Zhao, and N. Zhou, “1.3um-1.55um InGaAsP/InP DAL-DC-PBH DSM LDs,” Proceedings of 2nd Sino-Japanese Joint Meeting on OFC and EM theory, post-deadline paper, pp. 28-33, Nanjing, P. R. China, May 1987.

[6] X. Li, S. Jian, S. Zhao, and N. Zhou, “1.52um InGaAsP/InP dynamic single longitudinal mode double active layer DC-PBH laser diodes,” OFC/IOOC'87, paper TuC2, Reno, Nevada, USA, Feb. 1987.

[5] S. Zhao, X. Li, D. Wang, Y. Wu, and L. Tang, “1.55um InGaAsP/InP DC-PBH LDs,” Proceedings of 3rd Chinese National OFC Conference, pp. 153-155, Beijing, P. R. China, Nov. 1986.

[4] X. Li, “Theoretical analysis of the waveguide with surface grating,” Proceedings of 3rd Chinese National OFC Conference, pp. 183-185, Beijing, P. R. China, Nov. 1986.

[3] S. Zhao, D. Wang, Y. Wu, L. Tang, and X. Li, “The effect of reducing leakage current to the characteristics of DC-PBH laser diodes,” Proceedings of Sino-British Joint Meeting on OFC'86, pp. 115-119, Beijing, P. R. China, May 1986.

[2] X. Li, “Calculation of mode partition noise in high bit rate modulation system,” Proceedings of Sino-British Joint Meeting on OFC'86, pp. 63-71, Beijing, P. R. China, May 1986.

[1] S. Zhao, D. Wang, Y. Wu, and X. Li, “1.3um InGaAsP/InP DC-PBH LDs with very low threshold,” Proceedings of Sino-Japanese Joint Meeting on OFC and EM theory, pp. 485-492, Beijing, P. R. China, May 1985.

3. Others

A. Book and Book Chapter (4)

[4] X. Li, “Handbook of Optoelectronic Devices Modeling and Simulation, a Chapter on Single Longitudinal Mode Laser Diodes,” Taylor & Francis Books, 2017.

[3] X. Li, “Optoelectronic Devices - Design, Modeling, and Simulation (Chinese Edition), Science Press, ISBN 978-7-030-41410-6, Aug. 2014.

[2] X. Li, “Optoelectronic Devices - Design, Modeling and Simulation,” Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-87510-3, June  2009.

[1] X. Li, “Advanced Simulation and Analysis of Optoelectronic Devices, Chapter 4: Distributed feedback laser diodes: Physics-based 3D static and dynamic modeling and simulation,” Springer, ISBN 0-387-22659-1, Dec. 2004.

B. Invited Talks (71)  

C. Unpublished Technical Reports (113)

D. Magazine Article (1)

     [1] W. -P. Huang and X. Li, “Design software models complexity of laser diodes,” Laser Focus World, pp. 145-148, April 1999.

4. Patents (44) 

[44] X. Li, C. -N. Niu, M. -P. Yang, and T. H. Ho, “Distributed feedback semiconductor laser assembly,” Canadian Patent, Application Number: 92037192US01, filed in Nov. 2023.

[43] X. Li, C. -N. Niu, Y. -P. Xi, and W. Li, “A stripe channeled substrate semiconductor laser diode and its fabrication method,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 202211118287.9, filed in Sept. 2022.

[42] X. Li, Y. -P. Xi, W. Li, and C. -N. Niu, “A stripe channel slab coupled waveguide semiconductor laser and its fabrication method,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 202211112915.2, filed in Sept. 2022.

[41] X. Li, C. -N. Niu, Y. -P. Xi, and W. Li, “A stripe channel slab coupled waveguide semiconductor optical amplifier and its fabrication method,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 202211120052.3, filed in Sept. 2022.

[40] X. Li, Y. -P. Xi, and W. Li, “A stacked dual-wavelength integrated semiconductor laser diode and its fabrication method,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 202210924716.5, filed in Aug. 2022.

[39] X. Li, Y. -P. Xi, and W. Li, “Monolithically integrated dual-wavelength semiconductor laser: its application and fabrication method,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 202210880835.5, filed in Jul. 2022.

[38] X. Li, Y. -P. Xi, and W. Li, “A dual-wavelength cascade semiconductor laser diode and its fabrication method,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 202210818810.2, filed in Jul. 2022.

[37] Z. -Y. Zuo, X. Li, and X. Yin, “A III-V semiconductor to SiC direct bonding technique,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 2022-, filed in Apr. 2022.

[36] X. Li, C. -N. Niu, J. -W. Chi, and X. Yin, “A multiple tensile strained quantum well and tensile strained barrier active region structure for high-speed directly-modulated semiconductor laser diodes,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 2022-, filed in Mar. 2022.

[35] X. Li and Y. -L. Zhou, “A dual-beam interfering method for partially coherent noise removal in optical beams,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 2022-, filed in Feb. 2022.

[34] Y. -L. Zhou and X. Li, “A interference resonant structure for partially coherent noise removal in optical beams,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 2022-, filed in Feb. 2022.

[33]  J. -W. Li and X. Li, “A VCSEL with compressively strained multiple-quantum-well active region grown on (110) substrate,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 2022-, filed in Jan. 2022.

[32] X. Li, C. -N. Niu, S. -Z. Zhao, and T. H. Ho, “Systems and methods to filter optical wavelengths,” Canadian Patent, Application Number: 92001331PCT01, Jan. 2022.

[31] J. -W. Chi, X. Li, and J. Zhao, “A high-speed DFB laser with staggered push-pull modulation,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 202011005184.2, filed in Sept. 2020.

[30] W. -Z. Sun, S. -Z. Zhao, and X. Li, “A periodically injection-blocked grating for high speed DML,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 202010707847.9, filed in Jul. 2020.

[29] X. Li, C. -L. Zuo, “A reflective semiconductor optical amplifier,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 202010548187.4, filed in Jun. 2020, granted in Jul. 2021.

[28] X. Li, Z. -X. Dong, H. Wang, J. Zhao, L. -G. Du, Z. -J. Wang, and W. -P. Huang, “A low noise integrated SOA-PIN photodetector,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 201910638464.8, filed in Jul. 2019, granted in Jan. 2021.

[27] X. Li, L. Xin, J. Zhao, and W. -P. Huang, “A FM-NCD fiber-optic communication system and method that suppresses the mode partition noise,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 201910649617.9, filed in Jul. 2019, granted in Nov. 2021.

[26] X. Li, M. W. Lang, “A ridge waveguide semiconductor laser diode with reduced divergence angle,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 201910151928.2, filed in Feb. 2019, granted in Oct. 2020.

[25] X. Li, Y. Li, and L. -L. Liu, “A Moire grating based broadband tunable semiconductor laser diode,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 201810121913.7, filed in Feb. 2018, granted in Dec. 2019.

[24] X. Li, C. -L. Zuo, J. -Q. Qi, X. -Q. Dai, and L. -P. Wang, “A monolithically integrated horn waveguide reflective semiconductor optical amplifier with discreminative down- and up- stream gain,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 201711089353.3, filed in Nov. 2017, granted in Apr. 2019.

[23] X. Li, K. Wang, Y. -Y. Xia, J. -Q. Qi, L. -P. Wang, and X. -Q. Dai, “A monolithically integrated vertical cavity semiconductor optical amplifier and PIN photo-detector,Chinese Patent, Application Number: 201720632023.3, filed in May 2017, granted in Dec. 2017.

[22] X. Li, Z. -K. Lin, and H. Zhang, “A slanted facet reflection vertically coupled III-V/Si hybrid laser,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 201611072875.8, filed in Nov. 2016, granted in Jan. 2019.

[21] Y. -P. Xi, Y. -J. Chen, and X. Li, “Multiple wavelength distributed feedback ridge waveguide semiconductor laser array and its application,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 201610806749.4, filed in Sept. 2016, granted in Nov. 2019.

[20] X. Li, Z. -K. Lin, and H. Zhang, “Light emitting devices, optical module, and manufacturing method thereof (A second order grating assistant vericcally coupled III-V/Si hybrid laser),” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 201610835197.x, filed in Sept. 2016; US Patent, Application Number: US201715492582, Apr. 2017; EU Patent, Application Number: 17170083.4, May 2017; granted in Jun. 2019 (US-10324258).

[19] X. Li, C. -S. Li, and X. -Y. Qiu, “A AWG-based hybrid beam combiner and wavelength de-multiplexer,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 201610570762.4, filed in Jul. 2016, granted in Aug. 2019.

[18] X. Li and Z. -M. Li, “A novel LED illuminiation method, Chinese Patent, Application Number: 201520135236.6, filed in Mar. 2015, granted in Jul. 2015.

[17] X. Li, C. -S. Li, X. -Y. Qiu, and M. Huang, A novel optical beam splitter,Chinese Patent, Application Number: 201510551411.4, filed in Aug. 2015, granted in Nov. 2017.

[16] X. Li, Y. -P. Xi, C. Ke, S. -W. Bao, and W. -P. Huang, “A horn waveguide distributed-feedback semiconductor laser diode with high single mode yield, Chinese Patent, Application Number: 201510003976.9, filed in Jan. 2015, granted in Mar. 2018.

[15] X. Li and Z. -S. Zhu, “A wavegudie based optical isolator,Chinese Patent, Application Number: 201410532649.8, filed in Oct. 2014, granted in Jan. 2018.

[14] Y. -P. Xi, X. Li, Y. Wang, Z. -M. Fu, G. -H. Kuang, “A 1577nm InAlGaAs/InP 10 Gbps directly modulated distributed-feedback semiconductor laser diode, Chinese Patent, Application Number: 201410382706.9, filed in Aug. 2014.

[13] X. Li, W. Li, and T. Wang, “A linear polarization angle adjustable optical polarization rotator,” Chinese Patent, Application Number: 201410399020.0, filed in Aug. 2014, granted in Dec. 2017.

[12] X. Li, C. -S. Li, and R. Tang, “A time-domain optical Fourier transformer,Chinese Patent, Application Number: 201410391247.0, filed in Aug. 2014, granted in Apr. 2017.

[11] Y. -P. Xi and X. Li, “A ridge waveguide distributed-feedback semiconductor laser diode with high single model yield,Chinese Patent, Application Number: 201410415953.4, filed in Aug. 2014, granted in Dec. 2017.

[10] Y. -P. Xi and X. Li, “A ridge waveguide distributed-feedback semiconductor laser diode with precise single lasing wavevelength control,Chinese Patent, Application Number: 201410415244.6, filed in Aug. 2014, granted in Apr. 2017.

[9] X. Li, Y. -P. Xi, L. Han, N. Zhou, and W. -P. Huang, “A double-trench band-pass filter single mode Fabry-Perot semiconductor laser diode, Chinese Patent, Application Number: 201410205796.4, filed in May 2014, granted in Jan. 2017.

[8] X. Li and W. Hong, “A surface plasmonic polariton waveguide with metal-insulator-semiconductor capacitive structure,Chinese Patent, Application Number: 201310090333.3, filed in Mar. 2013, granted in Jul. 2016.

[7] X. Li and W. Li, “A method and system for user upstream signal transmission in passive optical access networks,Chinese Patent, Number: ZL201310034046.0, filed in Jan. 2013, granted in Sept. 2013.

[6] X. Li, Q. -Y. Guo, W. Li, Y. -P. Xi, and X. -Y. Qiu, “A polarization beam splitter based on form birefringence,” Chinese Patent, Number: ZL201210274288.2, filed in Aug. 2012, granted in Dec. 2013.

[5] Y. -H. Zhang, J. -B. Wang, and X. Li, “Novel semiconductor light emitting devices for imaging and sensing applications,” US Patent, Pending Number: 61/022,870, filed in Jan. 2008.

[4] P. J. S. Heim, M. Dagenais, S. S. Saini, and X. Li, “Semiconductor optial amplifier with low polarization gain dependency,US Patent, Number: 7,126,749, filed in Dec. 2002, granted in Oct. 2006.

[3] W. -P. Huang, C. L. Xu, M. K. Chin, Y. Liang, and X. Li, “Design of strongly confined polarization-independent single-mode optical ridge wavegudies and bends,US Patent, Number: 60/183,316, filed in Feb. 2000, granted in Mar. 2003.

[2] X. Li, W. -P. Huang, C. L. Xu, and Y. Liang, “Guided wave optical switch based on an active semiconductor amplifier and a passive optical component,” US Patent, Number: 60/183,315, filed in Feb. 2000, publication in Jun. 2002.

[1] X. Li and W. -P. Huang, “Surface-emitting semiconductor optical amplifier,US Patent, Number: 60/183,317,  filed in Feb. 2000, publication in Nov. 2001.

Last Update: Feb. 5, 2024