McMaster University

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Lab Schedule and Policies for ECE 2EI5

*   Schedule


* Lab Policies

      * Lab instructions are posted on the web.

* Students have been assigned to one of 5 sections by the Registrar and they will work in groups of two at one of several lab stations.

* Each group will use a lab notebook (Physics A90, available at bookstore).

* Each student will sign an attendance sheet during her/his lab period.

* Each group will do the PREPARATION section in the lab instructions and hand-in their results at the beginning of the lab period.

* Each group must hand in their pre-lab at the beginning of the lab period. It will be graded and returned to them.

* Each group must get their lab notebook graded at the end of the lab period.

* Each group will submit a completed question sheet for each lab experiment the following Monday after they have done their lab.  The submitted question sheet will constitute the Lab Report.  Questions similar to those on the question sheet may appear on midterms, lab test or the final examination.

* The lab period ends at 5:30pm.


* Lab GRADING - there are two components


1. Lab PREPARATION                 50% This will be graded during the lab period.
2. Lab Report/QUESTION SHEET     50% Each group hand in a question sheet a week later.

For each of components 1 and 2 (done as a group of two students who will receive the same grade for these two components), TAs will assign one of the following grades
    0     non-attendance/non-existence.
    0     less than satisfactory.
    5     satisfactory.

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