
  1. M. Tomlinson and K.M. Wong, “TDM-FDM signal converter”, A digital system transforming two 30-channel PCM telephone frames to a supergroup of FDM signals using all digital electronic devices.  Patent no. 17342/75, United Kingdom, Nov. 1975.

  2. M. Tomlinson, K.M. Wong and R.M. Mark, “Minimum sampling rate TDM-FDM converter”, A digital system (later more widely known as the transmultiplexer) which utilizes the concept of periodically varying digital filters to convert efficiently two 30-channel PCM telephone frames to a supergroup of FDM signals. Patent no. 6084/76, United Kingdom, March 1976.

  3. M. Tomlinson and K.M. Wong, “FDM supergroup to PCM converter”, A digital system performing the reverse process of the device in (2) Patent no. 6085/76, United Kingdom, March 1976.

  4. Q. Jin, K.M. Wong, P. Wu, Q. Wu, “A wavelet-based echo canceller for telephony”, U.S. Patent in application, no. 08/671,869, September, 1995.


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