NAME: Ian Christopher BRUCE

ECE Department
Room ITB-A213
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1, CANADA

TEL: + 1 (905) 525 9140, ext. 26984
(or alias


Biomedical Engineering
Cochlear Implants and Hearing Aids
Neural Coding of Sound

Speech Perception

Digital Speech Processing
Mathematical Modeling
Stochastic and Nonlinear Systems


August 1994
– December 1997

PhD by Research, Department of Otolaryngology, The University of Melbourne
Thesis Title: Spatiotemporal coding of sound in the auditory nerve for cochlear implants
Supervisors: Prof. Graeme M. Clark and Dr. Laurence S. Irlicht
Conferred: Saturday April 4, 1998

1988 – 1991

Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic), The University of Melbourne
Conferred: September 1993

Honours & Awards:


July 2017
– present

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
McMaster University, Hamilton ON, CANADA
– Professor (tenured)

July 2017
– Jun 2023

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
McMaster University, Hamilton ON, CANADA
– Associate Chair for Graduate Studies

July 2008
– June 2017

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
McMaster University, Hamilton ON, CANADA
– Associate Professor (tenured)

April – May 2012

Hearing Research Group (Now the Laboratoire des Systèmes Perceptifs.)
Ecole normale supérieure – Paris
– Visiting Researcher

July 2009
– June 2010

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The University of Melbourne
– Visiting Scholar

July 2009
– June 2010

The Bionic Ear Institute (Now the The Bionics Institute.)
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
– Visiting Scholar

July 2008
– June 2009

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
McMaster University, Hamilton ON, CANADA
- Acting coordinator of B.Eng./M.Eng. program in Electrical & Biomedical Engineering

January 2002
– June 2008

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
McMaster University, Hamilton ON, CANADA
– Assistant Professor (tenure-track)

May 1998
– December 2001

Department of Biomedical Engineering, Center for Hearing Sciences
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD, USA
– Postdoctoral Fellow. (Supervisors: Profs. Murray B. Sachs and Eric D. Young)

December 1997
– April 1998

The Bionic Ear Institute (Now the The Bionics Institute.)
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
– Senior Research Assistant

July 1993
– July 1994

Biosensor Technology Group (previously Department of Bioelectricity & Magnetism)
Institute of Electrodynamics, Microwave and Circuit Engineering (previously Institute for the Principles & Theory of Electrical Engineering)
Vienna University of Technology, AUSTRIA
– Research and Teaching Assistant


Licensed Professional Engineer in Ontario (PEO)

Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) (elected May 2015)

Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS)
IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS)

Member of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO)


IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Neural Computation
Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology
Journal of Neuroscience
Signal Processing
Brain Research
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
The Canadian Institutes of Health Research
National Research Foundation, South Africa
National Science Foundation, USA
The Marsden Fund, New Zealand
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
Journal of Computational Neuroscience
Speech Communication
Journal of Neurophysiology
Nature Neuroscience
Trends in Hearing
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Frontiers in Neuroscience
Biological Cybernetics

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Annals of Biomedical Engineering
Mathematical Biosciences
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
Hearing Research
Biomedizinische Technik
Journal of the Royal Society Interface
South African Journal of Science
EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing
PLoS Computational Biology
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation
Journal of the American Academy of Audiology
Physical Review E
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Acta Acustica united with Acustica
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering


Google Scholar:
Web of Science:


h-index— Google Scholar: 29; Web of Science: 24


He, S., Skidmore, J., Bruce, I. C., Oleson, J. J., and Yuan, Y. (2024). "Peripheral neural synchrony in post-lingually deafened adult cochlear implant users," Ear & Hearing 45(5):1125–1137.

Nagathil, A. and Bruce, I. C. (2023). "WaveNet-based approximation of a cochlear filtering and hair cell transduction model," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 154(1):191–202.

Skidmore, J., Ramekers, D., Bruce, I. C., and He, S. (2022). "Comparison of response properties of the electrically stimulated auditory nerve reported in human listeners and in animal models," Hearing Research 426:108643.

Osses Vecchi, A., Varnet, L., Carney, L. H., Dau, T., Bruce, I. C., Verhulst, S., and Majdak, P. (2022). "A comparative study of eight human auditory models of monaural processing," Acta Acustica 6:17. (Topical Issue — Auditory models: from binaural processing to multimodal cognition.)

Tabibi, S., Boulet, J., Dillier, N., and Bruce, I. C. (2021). "Phenomenological model of auditory nerve population responses to cochlear implant stimulation," Journal of Neuroscience Methods 358:109212.

Tabibi, S., Kegel, A., Lai, W. K., Bruce, I. C., and Dillier, N. (2019). "Measuring temporal response properties of auditory nerve fibers in cochlear implant recipients," Hearing Research 380:187–196.

Koning, R., Bruce, I. C., Denys, S., and Wouters, J. (2018). "Perceptual and model-based evaluation of ideal time-frequency noise reduction in hearing impaired listeners," IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 26(3):687–697.

Bruce, I. C., Erfani, Y., and Zilany, M. S. A. (2018). "A phenomenological model of the synapse between the inner hair cell and auditory nerve: Implications of limited neurotransmitter release sites," Hearing Research 360:40–54.

Paul, B. T., Waheed, S., Bruce, I. C., and Roberts, L. E. (2017). "Subcortical amplitude modulation encoding deficits suggest evidence of cochlear synaptopathy in normal-hearing 18–19 year olds with higher lifetime noise exposure," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 142(5):EL434–440. (Erratum and comment on this article available at:

Wirtzfeld, M. R., Pourmand, N., Parsa, V., and Bruce, I. C. (2017). "Predicting the quality of enhanced wideband speech with a cochlear model," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 142(3):EL319–325.

Wirtzfeld, M. R., Ibrahim, R. A., and Bruce, I. C. (2017). "Predictions of speech chimaera intelligibility using auditory nerve mean-rate and spike-timing neural cues," Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 18(5):687–710.

Boulet, J., and Bruce, I. C. (2017). "Predictions of the contribution of HCN half-maximal activation potential heterogeneity to variability in intrinsic adaptation of spiral ganglion neurons," Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 18(2):301–322.

Moncada-Torres, A., van Wieringen, A., Bruce, I. C., Wouters, J., and Francart, T. (2017). "Predicting phoneme and word recognition in noise using a computational model of the auditory periphery," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141:300–312.

Paul, B. T., Bruce, I. C., and Roberts, L. E. (2017). "Evidence that hidden hearing loss underlies amplitude modulation encoding deficits in individuals with and without tinnitus," Hearing Research 344:170–182. (Erratum and comment on this article available at:

Boulet, J., White, M., and Bruce, I. C. (2016). "Temporal considerations for stimulating spiral ganglion neurons with cochlear implants," Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 17(1):1–17.

Roberts, L.E., Bosnyak, D. J., Bruce, I. C., Gander, P. E., and Paul, B. T. (2015). "Evidence for differential modulation of primary and nonprimary auditory cortex by forward masking in tinnitus," Hearing Research 327:9–27.

Negm, M. H., and Bruce, I. C. (2014). "The effects of HCN and KLT ion channels on adaptation and refractoriness in a stochastic auditory nerve model," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 61(11):2749–2759.

Hove, M. J., Marie, C., Bruce, I. C., and Trainor, L. J. (2014). "Superior time perception for lower musical pitch explains why bass-ranged instruments lay down musical rhythms," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(28):10383–10388.

Paul, B. T., Bruce, I. C., Bosnyak, D. J., Thompson, D. C., and Roberts, L.E. (2014). "Modulation of electrocortical brain activity by attention in individuals with and without tinnitus," Neural Plasticity 2014, Article ID 127824, 16 pages, Special Issue "Plasticity of Neural Systems in Tinnitus".

Zeyl, T. J., and Bruce, I. C. (2014). "Analysis of spatiotemporal pattern correction using a computational model of the auditory periphery," Ear & Hearing 35(2):246–255.

Trainor, L. J., Marie, C., Bruce, I. C., Bidelman, G. M. (2014). "Explaining the high voice superiority effect in polyphonic music: Evidence from cortical evoked potentials and peripheral auditory models," Hearing Research 308:60–70, Special Issue "Music: A window into the hearing brain".

Zilany, M. S. A., Bruce, I. C., and Carney, L. H. (2014). "Updated parameters and expanded simulation options for a model of the auditory periphery," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135:283–286. (Recognized as the most cited article in JASA for the period Jan. 2015–Aug. 2016.)

Wood, R., Bruce, I., Moon, C.-B. , Kim, W. Y., and Mascher, P. (2012). "Modeling of spiking analog neural circuits using organic semiconductor thin film transistors with silicon oxide nitride semiconductor gates," Organic Electronics 13(12):3254–3258.

Spencer, M. J., Grayden, D. B., Bruce, I. C., Meffin, H., and Burkitt A. N. (2012). "An investigation of dendritic delay in octopus cells of the mammalian cochlear nucleus," Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 6(83):1–19.

Chrostowski, M., Yang, L., Wilson, H. R., Bruce, I. C., and Becker, S. (2011). "Can homeostatic plasticity in deafferented primary auditory cortex lead to travelling waves of excitation?" Journal of Computational Neuroscience 30(2):279–299.

Zilany, M. S. A., Bruce, I. C., Nelson, P. C., and Carney, L. H. (2009). "A phenomenological model of the synapse between the inner hair cell and auditory nerve: Long-term adaptation with power-law dynamics," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 126(5):2390–2412.

Bruce, I. C. (2009). "Evaluation of stochastic differential equation approximation of ion channel gating models," Annals of Biomedical Engineering 37(4):824–838.

Zilany, M. S. A., and Bruce, I. C. (2007). "Representation of the vowel /e/ in normal and impaired auditory nerve fibers: Model predictions of responses in cats," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 122(1):402–417.

Bruce, I. C. (2007). "Implementation issues in approximate methods for stochastic Hodgkin–Huxley models," Annals of Biomedical Engineering 35(2):315–318.

Dominguez, M., Becker, S., Bruce, I., and Read, H. (2006) "A spiking neuron model of cortical correlates of sensorineural hearing loss: Spontaneous ring, synchrony and tinnitus," Neural Computation 18(12):2942– 2958.

Zilany, M. S. A., and Bruce, I. C. (2006). "Modeling auditory-nerve responses for high sound pressure levels in the normal and impaired auditory periphery," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 120(3):1446–1466.

Mustafa, K., and Bruce I. C. (2006). "Robust formant tracking for continuous speech with speaker variability," IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing 14(2):435–444.

Chen, Z., Becker, S., Bondy, J., Bruce, I., and Haykin, S. (2005). "A novel, gradient-free optimization method for model-based hearing compensation," Neural Computation 17(12):2648–2671.

Bruce, I. C. (2004). "Physiological assessment of contrast-enhancing frequency shaping and multiband compression in hearing aids," Physiological Measurement 25:945–956.

Bondy, J., Becker, S., Bruce, I. C., Trainor, L. J., and Haykin, S. (2004). "A novel signal-processing strategy for hearing-aid design: Neurocompensation," Signal Processing 84(7):1239–1253.

Trainor, L. J., Sonnadara, R., Wiklund, K., Bondy, J., Gupta, S., Becker, S., Bruce, I. C., and Haykin, S. (2004) "Development of a flexible, realistic, hearing in noise test environment (R-HINT-E)," Signal Processing 84(2):299–309.

Bruce, I. C., Sachs, M. B., and Young, E. D. (2003). "An auditory-periphery model of the effects of acoustic trauma on auditory nerve responses," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 113(1):369–388.

Heinz, M. G., Zhang, X., Bruce, I. C., and Carney, L. H. (2001). "Auditory nerve model for predicting performance limits of normal and impaired listeners," Acoustics Research Letters Online 2(3):91–96.

Zhang, X., Heinz, M. G., Bruce, I. C., and Carney, L. H. (2001). "A phenomenological model for the responses of auditory-nerve fibers: I. Nonlinear tuning with compression and suppression," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 109(2):648–670.

Bruce, I. C., Irlicht, L. S., White, M. W., O'Leary, S. J., and Clark, G. M. (2000). "Renewal-process approximation of a stochastic threshold model for electrical neural stimulation," Journal of Computational Neuroscience 9(2):119–132.

Bruce, I. C., White, M. W., Irlicht, L. S., O'Leary, S. J., and Clark, G. M. (1999). "The effects of stochastic neural activity in a model predicting intensity perception with cochlear implants: Low-rate stimulation," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 46(12):1393–1404.

Bruce, I. C., White, M. W., Irlicht, L. S., O'Leary, S. J., Dynes, S., Javel, E., and Clark, G. M. (1999). "A stochastic model of the electrically stimulated auditory nerve: Single-pulse response," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 46(6):617–629.

Bruce, I. C., Irlicht, L. S., White, M. W., O'Leary, S. J., Dynes, S., Javel, E., and Clark, G. M. (1999). "A stochastic model of the electrically stimulated auditory nerve: Pulse-train response," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 46(6):630–637.

Bruce, I. C., Irlicht, L. S., and Clark, G. M. (1998). "A mathematical analysis of spatiotemporal summation of auditory nerve firings," Information Sciences 111:303–334.

Au, D., Bruce, I. C., Irlicht, L. S., and Clark, G. M. (1995). "Cross-fibre interspike interval probability distribution in acoustic stimulation - A computer modelling study," Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology 104(Suppl. 166):346–349.


Bruce, I. C. (2023). "Advances in the design of hearing aids," in Biomedical Engineering Principles of the Bionic Man, 2nd edition, ed. G. K. Hung, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, chapter 5, pp. 159–201.

Roberts, L. E., Bruce, I. C., and Ganz Sanchez, T. (2018). "Tinnitus and hyperacusis: relationship, mechanisms, and initiating conditions," in Hyperacusis and Disorders of Sound Intolerance: Clinical and Research Perspectives, eds. M. Fagelson and D. M. Baguley, Plural Publishing, Inc., San Diego, chapter 6.

Bruce, I. C. (2017). "Physiologically based predictors of speech intelligibility," Acoustics Today Spring 2017 Issue 13(1):28–35.

Seeber, B. U. and Bruce, I. C. (2016). "The history and future of neural modeling for cochlear implants," Network: Computation in Neural System 27(2–3):53–66, Special Issue on "Computational modelling of cochlear implants".

Takanen, M., Bruce, I. C., and Seeber, B. U. (2016). "Phenomenological modelling of electrically stimulated auditory nerve fibers: A review," Network: Computation in Neural System 27(2–3):157–185, Special Issue on "Computational modelling of cochlear implants".

Bruce, I. C. (2010). "Advances in the design of hearing aids," in Biomedical Engineering Principles of the Bionic Man, ed. G. K. Hung, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, chapter 5, pp. 161–204.

Bruce, I. C. (2006). "Physiological insights into hearing loss and optimal amplification," Canadian Hearing Report 1(2):20–21.

Bruce, I. C. (2006). "Hearing Aids," in Encyclopedia of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, eds. G. Wnek and G. Bowlin, Marcel Dekker, New York, NY.

Sachs, M. B., Bruce, I. C., Miller, R. L., and Young, E. D. (2002). "Biological Basis of Hearing-Aid Design," Annals of Biomedical Engineering 30:157–168.

Bruce, I. C., White, M. W., Irlicht, L. S., O'Leary, and Clark, G. M. (2001). "Advances in computational modeling of cochlear implant physiology and perception," in Computational Models of Auditory Function, eds. S. Greenberg and M. Slaney, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 65–76.


Nagathil, A., Göbel, F., Nelus, A., and Bruce, I. C. (2021). "Computationally efficient DNN-based approximation of an auditory model for applications in speech processing," in Proceedings of 46th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2021), IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 301– 305.

Bruce, I. C., Léger, A. C., Moore, B. C., and Lorenzi, C. (2013). "Physiological prediction of masking release for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners," in Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics: ICA 2013 Montréal, vol. 19, Acoustical Society of America, NY, p. 050178.

Wood, R., Bruce, I., and Mascher, P. (2012). "Modeling of spiking analog neural circuits with Hebbian learning, using amorphous semiconductor thin film transistors with silicon oxide nitride semiconductor (SONOS) split gates," in Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2012), ed. A. E. P. Villa, Vol. 7552 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 89–96.

Wood, R., McGlashan, A., Yatulis, J., Mascher, P., and Bruce, I. (2012). "Digital implementation of a neural network for imaging," In Proc. SPIE 8412. Photonics North 2012, p. 84121H, Montréal, Québec, June 2012.

Ibrahim, R. A., and Bruce, I. C. (2010). "Effects of peripheral tuning on the auditory nerve's representation of speech envelope and temporal fine structure cues," in The Neurophysiological Bases of Auditory Perception, eds. E. A. Lopez-Poveda, A. R. Palmer, and R. Meddis, Springer, NY, chapter 40, pp. 429–438.

Zheng, X., Giang, A., Vetsis, S., Bruce, I. C., and Voigt, H. F. (2008). "A computational modeling study of the effects of acoustic trauma on the dorsal cochlear nucleus," in Proceedings of 4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (ECIFMBE 2008), Vol. 22, Antwerp, Belgium, pp. 2695–2698.

Dinath, F., and Bruce, I. C. (2008). "Hearing aid gain prescriptions balance restoration of auditory nerve mean-rate and spike-timing representations of speech," in Proceedings of 30th International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 1793–1796.

Negm, M. H., and Bruce, I. C. (2008). "Effects of Ih and IKLT on the response of the auditory nerve to electrical stimulation in a stochastic Hodgkin–Huxley model," in Proceedings of 30th International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 5539–5542.

Vetsis, S., Zheng, X., Voigt, H. F., and Bruce, I. C. (2008). "Effects of an improved auditory-periphery model on the response properties of modeled neurons in the dorsal cochlear nucleus," in Proceedings of 30th International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 2477–2480.

Bruce, I. C., and Zilany, M. S. A. (2007). "Computational modelling of the cat auditory periphery: Recent developments and future directions," in Proceedings of 19th International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, Spain, September 2007, pp. PPA-07-004-IP: 1–6.

Bruce, I. C., and Zilany, M. S. A. (2007). "Modelling the effects of cochlear impairment on the neural representation of speech in the auditory nerve and primary auditory cortex," in Auditory Signal Processing in Hearing-Impaired Listeners, Int. Symposium on Audiological and Auditory Research (ISAAR), eds. T. Dau, J. Buchholz, J. M. Harte, and T. U. Christiansen, Danavox Jubilee Foundation, Denmark, pp. 1–10.

Bruce, I. C., Dinath, F., and Zeyl, T. J. (2007). "Insights into optimal phonemic compression from a computational model of the auditory periphery," in Auditory Signal Processing in Hearing-Impaired Listeners, Int. Symposium on Audiological and Auditory Research (ISAAR), eds. T. Dau, J. Buchholz, J. M. Harte, and T. U. Christiansen, Danavox Jubilee Foundation, Denmark, pp. 73–81.

Bruce, I. C. (2007). "Evaluation of approximate stochastic Hodgkin–Huxley models," in Proceedings of 3rd International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 654–658.

Zilany, M. S. A., and Bruce, I. C. (2007). "Predictions of Speech Intelligibility with a Model of the Normal and Impaired Auditory-periphery," in Proceedings of 3rd International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, IEEE, Piscatway, NJ, pp. 481–485.

Harte, N., Ansari, S. U., and Bruce, I. (2006). "Exploiting voicing cues for contrast enhanced frequency shaping of speech for impaired listeners," in Proceedings of 31st IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2006), Vol. 5, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, pp. V-137–V-140.

Bruce, I. C., Ansari, S. U., Bajaj, H. S., and Mustafa, K. (2004). "Multiband compression and contrast-enhancing frequency shaping in hearing aids," in Proceedings of the 2004 Annual Conference of the Canadian Acoustical Association, Ottawa, Ontario, October 2004.

Bondy, J., Bruce, I. C., Becker, S., and Haykin, S. (2004). "Machine learning and the auditory nerve," in Proceedings of the 2004 Annual Conference of the Canadian Acoustical Association, Ottawa, Ontario, October 2004.

Bondy, J., Bruce, I. C., Becker, S., and Haykin, S. (2004). "Predicting speech intelligibility from a population of neurons," in NIPS 2003 Conference Proceedings: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16, eds. S. Thrun, L. Saul and B. Schölkopf, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 1409–1416.

Bondy, J., Bruce, I. C., Dong, R., Becker, S., and Haykin, S. (2003). "Modeling intelligibility of hearing-aid compression circuits," in Conference Records of the Thirty-Seventh Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Vol. 1, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 720–724.

Bruce, I. C., Bajaj, H. S., and Ko, J. (2003). "Lateral-inhibitory-network models of tinnitus," in Proceedings of the 5th IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 359–363.

Mustafa, K., and Bruce, I. C. (2003). "Robust formant tracking for continuous speech with speaker variability," in Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications (ISSPA 2003), Paris, France, Vol. 2, pp. 623–624.

Bruce, I. C., Karkhanis, N. V., Young, E. D., and Sachs, M. B. (2002). "Robust formant tracking in noise," in Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2002), Orlando, Florida, Vol. I, pp. 281–284.

Bruce, I. C., White, M. W., Irlicht, L. S., O'Leary, and Clark, G. M. (1998). "Advances in computational modeling of cochlear implant physiology and perception," in Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Computational Hearing, eds. S. Greenberg and M. Slaney, Il Ciocco, Tuscany, pp. 31–36.

Bruce, I. C., Irlicht, L. S., White, M. W., O'Leary, S. J., Dynes, S., Javel, E., and Clark, G. M. (1997). "An improved model of electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve," in Cochlear Implants. Proceedings of XVI World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, ed. G. M. Clark, Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, pp. 125–130.

Irlicht, L. S., Bruce, I. C., and Clark, G. M. (1996). "A Multi-Threshold Neural Network for Frequency Estimation," in Proceedings of the Seventh Australian Conference on Neural Networks, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, pp. 195–200.

Bruce, I. C., Irlicht, L. S., and Clark, G. M. (1995). "A mathematical analysis of sound coding in the auditory nerve: Spatiotemporal summing mechanisms," in Proceedings of the Second Annual Joint Conference on Information Sciences, Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, pp. 296–299.


Bruce, I. C. "Measuring and modelling variability in auditory nerve responses to cochlear implants," at Research Seminar Series, The Bionics Institute, Melbourne, Australia, December 2023.

Bruce, I. "Development of assistive listening technology best practices for live music," at NAL Seminar Day, National Acoustics Laboratories, Sydney, Australia, December 2023.

Bruce, I. C. "Concert Connections: Development of assistive listening technology best practices for live music. At AGE-WELL Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, October 2023.

Bruce, I. C. "Modeling cochlear implant stimulation of the auditory nervefrom single-fiber responses to compound action potentials," at Research Seminar Series, Department of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, September 2023.

Bruce, I. C. "The history and future of the Carney–Bruce–Zilany cat and human AN models," at Workshop on "Computations in the Auditory Periphery: Physiological Foundations and Comparative Modelling", Delmenhorst, Germany, July 2022.

Bruce, I. C. "Insights from computational physiological models into optimizing hearing aid amplification," at Hearing4all Symposium "The Future of Hearing", Oldenburg, Germany, November 2020.

Bruce, I. C. "Theories behind the generation of tinnitus and hyperacusis," at University of British Columbia, Ear Nose and Throat Residents’ Academic Half-Day, October 2020.

Lowther, J., Stanton, S., Bruce, I., Griffin, A., Morgan, A., Lucas, M., and Young, T. (2020). "Bridging the gap between research & practice: Utilizing genomic research to improve diagnosis, treatment & outcomes," at 50th Annual Mid-South Conference on Communicative Disorders, Memphis, TN, March 2020.

Bruce, I. C. "What makes 'blue notes' so blue?" at LIVELab Concert Series, "Science Snapshot", LIVELab, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, October 2019.

Bruce, I. C. "Tinnitus: recent scientific insights and potential new treatments," at Canadian Hard of Hearing Association—Hamilton Chapter Meeting, Hamilton, ON, September 2019.

Bruce, I. C., Wirtzfeld, M. R., Griffin, A., Morgan, A. K., Lucas, M. B., Lowther, J., Young, T., and Stanton, S. "Phenotyping and computational modeling of diverse forms of genetic hearing loss," at 23rd International Congress on Acoustics (ICA 2019), Aachen, Germany, September 2019.

Bruce, I. C. "Advances and challenges in modeling cochlear implant stimulation," at ICA 2019 Summer School, Hot Topic "Computational modeling in physiological and psychological acoustics", Leuven, Belgium, September 2019.

Taylor, L., Bosnyak, D., Sonnadara, R., Trainor, L., and Bruce, I. "Improving audience experiences for people with hearing aids at live music concerts," at The Biennial Meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC), New York City, NY, August 2019.

Bruce, I. C. "Phenotyping of genetic hearing loss as a test platform for characterizing individual differences," at "The Binaural Brainstem & Beyond" Workshop, Oldenburg, Germany, June 2019.

Bruce, I. C. "Computational modeling of diverse forms of cochlear pathology," at 4th International Hearing Loss Conference, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON, Canada, May 2019.

Bruce, I. C. "When things go bad with brain plasticity: modeling the central effects of hearing loss," at Department of Biomedical Engineering Seminar Series, The University of Rochester, NY, USA, April 2019.

Bruce, I. C. "The search for cochlear synaptopathy in humans," at 2018 Meeting of the Canadian Hearing and Audiology Research Translation (CHART) Group, Toronto, CA, October 2018.

Bruce, I. C. "Measurements and models of auditory nerve spike rate and timing to electrical stimulation," at 175th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Minneapolis, MN, May 2018. (Special session on "Phase Locking and Rate Limits in Electric Hearing".).

Bruce, I. C., and Boulet, J. "Implications of auditory nerve fiber ion channel types and characteristics for cochlear implants," at 41st ARO Midwinter Meeting, San Diego, CA, February 2018. (Special symposium on "Ion Channels in the Inner Ear".).

Bruce, I. C. "Advances in modeling the occurrence and timing of action potentials in response to cochlear implant stimulation," at 2017 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP), Lake Tahoe, CA, July 2017.

Bruce, I. C. "Models and mechanisms of temporal interactions in cochlear implant stimulation of the auditory nerve," at "ICanHear" Conference, Zürich, Switzerland, November 2016.

Bruce, I. C. "Mechanisms and models of sensory adaptation in the peripheral auditory system," at Neuroscience Graduate Program Colloquium, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, September 2016.

Bruce, I. C. "Evaluation of hearing aids in realistic, complex listening environments," at Meeting of the Audio Engineering Society—Toronto Chapter, LIVELab, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, May 2016.

Paul, B., Roberts, L., Bruce, I., Bosnyak, D., and Thompson, D. "Cochlear damage related to tinnitus," at ARO Midwinter Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, February 2016.

Bruce, I. "Evidence for spike-time neural coding of speech," at York University Neuroscience Seminar Series, York, ON, November 2015.

Bruce, I. C. "Conceptual and computational models of temporal coding by electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve," at Bernstein Sparks Workshop: Modeling Auditory Implants, Munich, Germany, June 2014.

Bruce, I. C. "Auditory deafferentation: Can it be compensated by hearing aids?" at VIII Jornadas Internacionales sobre Avances en Audiología, Salamanca, Spain, May 2014.

Bruce, I. C. "Physiologically-based predictors of speech intelligibility," at University of Western Ontario Hearing Sciences Seminar Series, London, ON, February 2014.

Bruce, I. C. "Physiological models for hearing aids and cochlear implants," at "ICanHear" EU Training Network Winter School, Wildhaus, Switzerland, February 2014.

Bruce, I. C. "When things go bad with brain plasticity: modeling the central effects of hearing loss," at MERIT Visiting Scholars' Seminar, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, January 2014.

Bruce, I. C. "When things go bad with cortical plasticity: modeling the central effects of hearing loss," at University of Waterloo Centre for Computational Neuroscience Colloquium Series, Waterloo, ON, September 2013.

Boulet, J., and Bruce, I. "Facilitation, accommodation and refraction in electrically-stimulated model auditory nerve fibers is dependent on location of stimulation and voltage-gated channel type distribution," at 2013 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP), Lake Tahoe, CA, July 2013.

Bruce, I. C., Chrostowski, M., and Becker, S. "Modeling the peripheral and central effects of cochlear impairment," at 11th Congress of the European Federation of Audiology Societies (EFAS), Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.

Bruce, I. C. "Computational modeling of normal and impaired hearing," at First Samsung International Symposium on Hearing Aids (SISHA), Seoul, Korea, October 2012.

Bruce, I. "Modelling HRTF processing in the auditory nerve and DCN," at LocaPhoto 2012: From Geometric Reconstruction to 3-D Virtual Acoustics, Vienna, Austria, August 2012.

Bruce, I. "Modeling the effects of cochlear impairment on the neural representation of speech in the auditory nerve and primary auditory cortex," at Audio Engineering Society (Austrian Section) Seminar, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, May 2012.

Bruce, I. "Physiological insights into the problem of temporal coding in cochlear implants," at Acoustics Research Institute Seminar, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, May 2012.

Bruce, I. "Modeling power-law adaptation and fractal uctuations in excitability of auditory nerve fibers," at Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Seminar Series, LMU Biocenter, Munich, Germany, May 2012.

Bruce, I. "Physiologically-based speech intelligibility predictors," at MRC Institute of Hearing Research Seminar Series, Nottingham, UK, May 2012.

Bruce, I. "Physiological insights into the problem of temporal coding in cochlear implants," at Cambridge University Department of Experimental Psychology Seminar, Cambridge, UK, April 2012.

Bruce, I. C. "Modeling changes in auditory nerve fiber excitability for acoustic and electric stimulation," at New Ideas in Hearing 2012: Hot Topics in Audiology, Ecole normale supérieure, Paris, France, April 2012.

Bruce, I. C. "Computer models of normal, impaired and electric hearing," at Samsung Medical Center Department of Otorhinolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery Seminar, Seoul, Korea, December 2011.

Bruce, I. C. "Electric hearing: The neuroscience of cochlear implants," at Meeting of the MiNDS, Neuroscience Graduate Program Seminar Series, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, November 2011.

Bruce, I. C., Wise, A. K., Negm, M. H., Fallon, J. B., and Shepherd, R. K. "Physiological insights into the problem of temporal coding in cochlear implants," at 2011 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP), Asilomar, CA, July 2011.

Bruce, I. C. "An introduction to the anatomy and physiology of the ear," at Workshop for Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Seoul, Korea, May 2011.

Bruce, I. C. "Modeling the normal and impaired auditory periphery," at Workshop for Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Seoul, Korea, May 2011.

Bruce, I. C. "Model-based hearing aid evaluation and design," at Workshop for Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Seoul, Korea, May 2011.

Bruce, I. C. "Auditory engineering: applying neuroscience to designing better hearing aids," at Hanyang University Biomedical Engineering Seminar, Seoul, Korea, May 2011.

Bruce, I. "Auditory engineering: applying neuroscience to designing better hearing aids," at The Erasmus Mundus Symposium on Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, Leipzig, Germany, April 2011.

Bruce, I. C.. "Physiologically-based predictors of speech intelligibility," at UC Berkeley 'Ear Club' Seminar Series, Berkeley, California, October 2010.

Bruce, I. C.. "Modeling of the auditory periphery for hearing aid evaluation and design," at Starkey Hearing Research Center Seminar, Berkeley, California, October 2010.

Bruce, I. C.. "The problem of temporal coding in cochlear implants," at Bionic Ear Institute Seminar, Melbourne, Australia, June 2010.

Bruce, I. "Modeling of the auditory periphery for hearing aid evaluation and design," at 159th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Special Session on Application of Auditory Models to Hearing Aids, Baltimore, MD, April 2010.

Nelson, P., Zilany, M., Bruce, I., and Carney L. (2010). "A phenomenological model of the auditory nerve: Long-term adaptation with power-law dynamics in the IHC-AN synapse," at 33nd ARO Midwinter Meeting, Anaheim, CA, February 2010.

Bruce, I. (2010). "Modeling temporal response properties of electrically-stimulated auditory nerve fibers," at 33nd ARO Midwinter Meeting, Anaheim, CA, February 2010.

Bruce, I. C.. "A physiological basis for hearing aid gain prescriptions," at Bionic Ear Institute Seminar, Melbourne, Australia, November 2009.

Bruce, I. C.. "Building the perfect hearing aid — Why we're not there yet," at MERIT Biomedical Engineering Seminar, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, September 2009.

Bruce, I. C.. "Evaluation of stochastic differential equation approximation of ion channel gating models," at Mathematical Biology Seminar, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, March 2009.

Bruce, I. C.. "Biomedical engineering approaches to studying and treating hearing loss," at Audio Engineering Society—Toronto Chapter, Visit to McMaster Institute for Music and the Mind, Hamilton, ON, November 2008.

Bruce, I. C., Zilany, M. S. A., Negmm, M. H., Nelson, P. C., and Carney, L. H. "Auditory nerve adaptation to acoustic and electric stimulation: Models and mechanisms," at Bionic Ear Institute Seminar, Melbourne, Australia, May 2008.

Bruce, I. C., Dinath, F., and Zeyl, T. J. "Hearing aid gain prescriptions balance restoration of auditory nerve mean-rate and spike-timing representations of speech," at Dynamic Hearing Pty Ltd Seminar, Melbourne, Australia, May 2008.

Bruce, I. C. "Engineering approaches to understanding and treating hearing loss," at Department of Chemical Engineering Seminar, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, September 2007.

Bruce, I. C. "Stochastic ion channel gating in the auditory nerve: Models and implications," at Workshop on Mathematical Neuroscience, Centre de recherches mathématiques, Université de Montréal, Québec, September 2007.

Bruce, I. C. "Understanding tinnitus," at At Canadian Hard of Hearing Association—Hamilton Chapter, Annual General Meeting, Hamilton, ON, October 2006.

Bruce, I. C. "Engineering better hearing? Engineering and ethics in studying and treating hearing loss," at Redeemer University College, NSERC Faculty Colloquium, Hamilton, ON, November 2005.

Bondy, J., and Bruce, I. "Cochlear nonlinearities and temporal neural clues," at Auditory Temporal Processing Symposium, University of Toronto at Mississauga, ON, May 2005.

Bondy, J., and Bruce, I. " From neurons to hearing aids," at Auditory Temporal Processing Symposium, University of Toronto at Mississauga, ON, May 2005.

Bruce, I. "How lab researchers can interact with industrial partners," at Auditory Temporal Processing Symposium, University of Toronto at Mississauga, ON, May 2005.

Bruce, I. C. "Hope for better hearing? Engineering approaches to studying and treating hearing loss," at Hamilton Spectator “Science in the City” Lecture Series, Hamilton, ON, November 2004.

Young, E., Ji, T., Bruce, I., and Heinz, M. "What about the consonants?" at IHCON 2004 International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA, August 2004.

Bondy, J., Bruce, I., Becker, S., and Haykin, S. "Auditory nerve clues for hearing aid algorithms," at IHCON 2004 International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA, August 2004.

Bruce, I. C. "Applications of bioengineering to hearing and hearing loss," at Bioengineering at McMaster Society (BEAMS) Wine and Cheese Night, Hamilton, ON, January 2004.

Bruce, I. C. "Neural processing of complex acoustic stimuli: What happens when things go wrong?" at Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) Workshop on Neural Processing of Complex Acoustic Stimuli, Whistler, BC, December 2003.

Bruce, I. C. "Intelligent Hearing Aids," at 18th Annual Seminars on Audition, Markham, Ontario, March 2003.

Bruce, I. C. "Speech information processing in the human ear and brain," at IEEE Hamilton Section Annual General Meeting, Hamilton, ON, December 2002.

Bruce, I. C., Sachs, M. B., and Young, E. D. "Physiological modeling for hearing aid design," at 143rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Special Session on Hearing Aid Design: Psychophysics and Signal Processing, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 2002.

Bruce, I. C. "Speech information processing in the human ear and brain: Biomedical engineering approaches to studying and treating hearing loss," at Barber-Gennum Symposium, Hamilton, ON, May 2002.

Becker, S., and Bruce, I. C. "Neural coding in the auditory periphery: Insights from physiology and modelling lead to a novel hearing compensation algorithm," at 2002 Neural Information Coding (NICE) Workshop , Les Houches, France, March 2002.

Bruce, I. C. "Physiological insights into hearing aid design: Reversing plasticity due to sensorineural hearing loss?" at CIHR Workshop on Human Neural Plasticity, Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, University of British Columbia, February 2001.

Bruce, I. C. "Physiological experiments and modeling for hearing aid design," 1st McMaster-Gennum Workshop on Intelligent Hearing Aid Systems, Lake Louise, Alberta, October 2000.

Young, E. D., Ji, T., Bruce, I. C., and Sachs, M. B. "Insights into hearing aid signal processing from the neural representation of speech " at IHCON 2000 International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA, August 2000.

Bruce, I. C., White, M. W., Irlicht, L. S., O'Leary, S. J., and Clark, G. M. "Advances in relating cochlear implant physiology and psychophysics," 1999 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California, August 1999.


Bruce, I. C. (2024). "Improved parameterization of a hybrid phenomenological-biophysical model of cochlear implant stimulation of the auditory nerve," at ARO Midwinter Meeting, Anaheim, CA, February 2024.

Bruce, I., Buller, A., and Zilany, M. (2023). "Modeling of auditory nerve fiber input/output functions near threshold," Acoustics 2023, Sydney, Australia, December 2023.

McWeeny, S., Trainor, L. J., Armstrong, S., Bosnyak, D., Tawfik, H., and Bruce, I. (2023). "Hearing aid integrated assistive listening for live music," at AGE-WELL Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, October 2023.

Bruce, I., Skidmore, J., and He, S. (2023). "Model predictions of the effects of spiral ganglion neuron loss and axonal demyelination on eCAP refractory recovery and neural synchrony metrics," at 2023 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP), Lake Tahoe, CA, July 2023.

Nagathil, A. and Bruce, I. C. (2023). "A WaveNet-based cochlear filtering and hair cell transduction model for applications in speech and music processing," at 4th Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA), Sydney, Australia, June 2023.

Yayli, M. and Bruce, I. C. (2023). "Gap junctions' effect on excitability and firing behavior of a biophysically detailed neural network models of bushy cells," at 46th ARO Midwinter Meeting, Orlando, FL, February 2023.

Skidmore, J., Bruce, I. C., Yuan, Y., and He, S. (2023). "Quantifying neural synchrony at the level of the auditory nerve in cochlear implant users with recordings of the electrically evoked compound action potential," at 46th ARO Midwinter Meeting, Orlando, FL, February 2023.

Nagathil, A. and Bruce, I. C. (2022). "A deep-learning-based approximation of a cochlear filtering auditory model for applications in speech and music processing," at Music and Hearing Health Workshop, Oldenburg, Germany, October 2022.

Taylor, L., Luo, H., and Bruce, I. (2022). "Listening effort measured in multiple subjects simultaneously during a live improv performance in background noise and reverberation," at IHCON 2022 International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA, August 2022.

Taylor, L., Armstrong, S., Bosnyak, D., and Bruce, I. (2022). "Assistive listening and sound quality during a live orchestra performance," at IHCON 2022 International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA, August 2022.

Doyle, T., Boursalie, O., Haddara, Y., Shirani, S., Bruce, I., and Hranilovic, S. (2022). "Transforming traditional microprocessor curriculum into intelligent systems project based learning: Observation, reasoning, and action," at Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA-ACEG) Conference, Toronto, Ontario, June 2022.

Yayli, M. and Bruce, I. C. (2022). "Simulating the effects of leakage and gap junction conductances on bushy cell excitability," at ARO Midwinter Meeting.

Shields, D., Rutherford, M. A., and Bruce, I. C. (2021). "Optimized fitting of a stochastic auditory nerve fiber model to patch-clamp data," at 2021 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP).

Yayli, M. and Bruce, I. C. (2021). "Modeling the effects of inhibition and gap junctions on synchrony enhancement in bushy cells of the ventral cochlear nucleus," at 2nd Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology (VCCA).

Yayli, M. and Bruce, I. C. (2021). "Inhibition and gap junction effects on synchronization enhancement in bushy cells of ventral cochlear nucleus," at ARO Midwinter Meeting.

Yayli, M. and Bruce, I. C. (2020). "Investigating potential mechanisms for enhancement of synchronization in bushy cells of the ventral cochlear nucleus," at ARO Midwinter Meeting, San Jose, CA, USA.

Bruce, I. C., Shields, D., Green, L., V-Ghaffari, B., and Rutherford, M. (2020). "Simulating the effects of KLT, HCN and M-current channels in auditory nerve fibers," at ARO Midwinter Meeting, San Jose, CA, USA.

Bruce, I. C., Green, L., V-Ghaffari, B., and Rutherford, M. A. (2019). "Simulating the effects of 'M-current' potassium channels in cochlear implant excitation of auditory nerve fibers," at 2019 Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP), Lake Tahoe, CA, USA.

Paul, B., Tran, N., Waheed, S., Murdoch, K., Roberts, L. E., and Bruce, I. C..(2019). "Testing for evidence of cochlear synaptopathy using amplitude modulation encoding tasks in the presence of background noise," at 4th International Hearing Loss Conference, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON, Canada, May 2019.

Stanton, S., Griffin, A., Morgan, A., Lucas, M., Lowther, J., Bruce, I., Wirtzfeld, M., and T. Young. (2019). "Deep phenotyping of diverse forms of genetic hearing loss in Newfoundland families," at 4th International Hearing Loss Conference, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON, Canada, May 2019.

Yayli, M. and Bruce, I. C. (2019). "The representation of speech in a biophysically detailed model of the ventral cochlear nucleus," at ARO Midwinter Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Bruce, I. C., Wirtzfeld, M. R., Griffin, A., Morgan, A. K., Lucas, M. B., Lowther, J., Young, T., and Stanton, S. G. (2019). "Deep phenotyping and computational modeling of highly diverse forms of hearing loss due to specific gene mutations identified in families from Newfoundland, Canada," at ARO Midwinter Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Bruce, I., Stanton, S., Griffin, A., Morgan, A., Lucas, M., Lowther, J., and Young, T. (2018). "Overcoming the quagmire of hearing loss heterogeneity: Towards optimization of hearing aids via distinct genetic hearing loss populations," at IHCON 2018 International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA, August 2018.

Taylor, L., Luo, H., Bagnowski, M., and Bruce, I. (2018). "Listening effort and speech intelligibility measurement for multiple subjects simultaneously in complex listening scenarios," at IHCON 2018 International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA, August 2018.

Paul, B., Tran, N., Waheed, S., Roberts, L. E., and Bruce, I. C. (2018). "Testing for evidence of cochlear synaptopathy in normal hearing young adults with varying noise exposure history," at 175th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Minneapolis, MN, May 2018.

Paul, B., Waheed, S., Bruce, I. C., and Roberts, L. E. (2018). "Subcortical amplitude modulation encoding deficits in young adults with greater noise exposure history suggest evidence of cochlear synaptopathy," at 41st ARO Midwinter Meeting, San Diego, CA, February 2018.

Stanton, S. G., Morgan, A. K., Bruce, I., Lucas, M., Griffin, A., and Young, T. (2017). "Cochlear dead regions in subjects with WFS1 nonsyndromic hearing loss," at 44th Annual Scientific and Technology Meeting of the American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ, March 2017.

Bruce, I. C., Erfani, Y., and Zilany M. S. A. (2017). "A phenomenological model of the synapse between the inner hair cell and auditory nerve: Implications of limited neurotransmitter release sites," at ARO Midwinter Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Paul, B. T., Bruce, I. C., Waheed, S., and Roberts, L. E. (2017). "Inter-subject differences in amplitude modulation encoding correlate with history of noise exposure," at ARO Midwinter Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Taylor, L. A. and Bruce, I. C. (2016). "The effect of hearing aid amplification on predicted pitch salience," at International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON), Lake Tahoe, CA, USA.

Paul, B. T., Bruce, I. C., and Roberts, L. E. (2016). "Evidence for hidden hearing loss in tinnitus subjects with normal hearing thresholds," at 60e Congrès international en orthophonie et en audiologie, Montréal, Québec, November 2016.

Bruce, I. C., Wirtzfeld, M. R., and Ibrahim, R. A. (2016). "Spike-timing and mean-rate coding of the temporal fine structure and envelope cues in real words," at 171st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT.

Paul, B. T., Bruce. I., and Roberts, L. (2016). "Hidden hearing loss in tinnitus with normal hearing thresholds," at 171st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT.

Boulet, J. and Bruce, I. (2016). "Subthreshold adaptation to pulse train stimulation in model auditory nerve fibers may be a marker for site of action potential initiation," at 14th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Technologies (CI2016 International), Toronto, Canada.

Paul, B. T., Bruce. I., and Roberts, L. (2016). "Evidence for hidden hearing loss in tinnitus subjects without threshold shifts," at 10th International TRI Tinnitus Conference — Tinnitus: subtypes, mechanisms and interventions, Nottingham, UK.

Boulet, J., and Bruce, I. C. (2016). "Heterogeneity of HCN half-maximal activation potentials can explain variability in intrinsic adaptation of spiral ganglion neurons," at ARO Midwinter Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.

Smalt, C., Quatieri, T., Bruce, I. C., and Palmer, J. (2016). "A parametric analysis of auditory-nerve degeneration at the level of the auditory cortex through computational modeling," at ARO Midwinter Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.

Cheung, S. T. and Bruce, I. C. (2015). "Can auditory brainstem and midbrain processing of interaural level difference cues really explain perceptual performance?" at 169th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

Bruce, I., Léger, A. C., Wirtzfeld, M. R., Moore, B. C., and Lorenzi, C. (2015). "Spike-time coding and auditory-nerve degeneration best explain speech intelligibility in noise for normal and near-normal low-frequency hearing," at ARO Midwinter Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Paul, B., Roberts, L., Bruce, I., Bosnyak, D., and Thompson, D. (2015). "Top-down attention modulates the frequency of the 40-Hz auditory steady state response during gap-induced resets," at ARO Midwinter Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Roberts, L., Bosnyak, D., Bruce, I., and Paul, B. (2015). "Differential modulation of electrocortical responses evoked from primary and nonprimary auditory cortex by forward masking inducing residual inhibition of tinnitus," at ARO Midwinter Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Cheung, S. T. and Bruce, I. C. (2014). "Modeling the neural representation of interaural level differences for linked and unlinked bilateral hearing aids," at International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON), Lake Tahoe, CA, USA.

Paul, B., Roberts, L., Bruce, I., Bosnyak, D. J., and Thompson, D. (2014). "Attention modulates the reset of the auditory steady state response," in Abstracts of the 37th ARO Midwinter Research Meeting.

Marie, C., Bidelman, G. M., Bruce, I. C., and Trainor, L. J. "Investigating the origin of the high voice superiority effect in music," at The Biennial Meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC), Toronto, Canada, August 2013.

Boulet, J., and Bruce, I. (2013). "Refractory properties of cochlear implant-induced spiking in auditory nerve fibers are dependent on location of stimulation and voltage-gated channel type distribution," in Abstracts of the 36th ARO Midwinter Research Meeting.

Wirtzfeld, M., and Bruce, I. (2013). "The relative roles of temporal neural cues in predicting speech intelligibility," in Abstracts of the 36th ARO Midwinter Research Meeting.

Zilany, M., Bruce, I., Ibrahim, R., and Carney, L. (2013). "Improved parameters and expanded simulation options for a model of the auditory periphery," in Abstracts of the 36th ARO Midwinter Research Meeting.

Bruce, I. C., Léger, A. C., Moore, B. C. J., and Lorenzi, C. (2012). "Physiological prediction of masking release for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners," at IHCON 2012 International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA, August 2012.

Wirtzfeld, M. R., and Bruce, I. C. (2012). "The importance of temporal neural cues for predicting speech intelligibility," at IHCON 2012 International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA, August 2012.

Roberts, L. E., Bosnyak, D. J., and Bruce, I. (2012). "The auditory steady state response evoked by 40-Hz amplitude modulated sounds is frequency dependent in tinnitus but N1 is not," in Abstracts of the 35th ARO Midwinter Research Meeting.

Boulet, J., and Bruce, I. (2012). "Action potential initiation in auditory nerve fibers via cochlear implant stimulation is dependent on ion channel population and electrode location," in Abstracts of the 35th ARO Midwinter Research Meeting.

Roberts, L. E., Bruce, I. C., Becker, S., Trainor, L. J., and Bosnyak, D. J. (2011). "Evidence based automated tools for the objective measurement of tinnitus and their application," at International State-of-the- Science Meeting on Blast-Related Tinnitus, US Department of Defense International State-of-the-Science Meeting Series, Virginia, USA, November 2011.

Roberts, L. E., Bosnyak, D. J., and Bruce, I. C. (2011). "Electrophysiological imaging in tinnitus, recruitment, and auditory attention," at 5th International Tinnitus Research Initiative Conference, Grand Island, NY, August 2011.

Spencer, M. J., Bruce, I. C., Grayden, D. B., Meffin H., and Burkitt, A. N. (2011). "STDP in a computational model of octopus cells of the mammalian auditory brainstem," at Computational and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE) 2011, Salt Lake City, UT, February 2011.

Spencer, M. J., Bruce, I. C., Grayden, D. B., Meffin H., and Burkitt, A. N. (2011). "Dendritic delay in octopus cells of the mammalian cochlear nucleus: A computational investigation," at 34th ARO Midwinter Meeting, Baltimore, MD, February 2011.

Ibrahim, R., and Bruce, I. (2011). "The interaction of envelope and temporal fine structure cues in speech perception," in Abstracts of the 34th ARO Midwinter Research Meeting.

Spencer, M. J., Bruce, I. C., Grayden, D. B., Meffin H., and Burkitt, A. N. (2010). "A novel leaky-integrateand-fire model of a neuron with an onset response," at 4th Australian Workshop on Computational Neuroscience, Brisbane, Australia, November 2010.

Chrostowski, M., Stolzberg, D. J., Becker, S., Bruce, I. C., and Salvi, R. J. (2010). "Homeostatic plasticity and tuning in the primary auditory cortex after hearing loss," at Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, November 2010.

Bruce, I. C. (2010). "The problems of inner-hair-cell impairment for hearing aid gain prescriptions," at International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON 2010), Lake Tahoe, CA, August 2010.

Zeyl, T. J., and Bruce, I. C. (2010). "Correcting for impaired auditory nerve fiber group delays could improve some features of the spatiotemporal discharge pattern," at International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON 2010), Lake Tahoe, CA, August 2010.

Spencer, M. J., Bruce, I. C., Grayden, D. B., Meffin, H., and Burkitt, A. N. (2010). "Temporal properties of dendritic processing in octopus cells of the posteroventral cochlear nucleus," at 30th Annual Meeting of the Australian Neuroscience Society, in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary Meeting of the Australian Physiological Society (ANS/AuPS 2010), Sydney, Australia, January–February 2010.

Chrostowski, M., Becker, S., and Bruce, I. (2009). "Modeling adaptation in the auditory cortex to causally link neural synchrony to tinnitus," in Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, Conference Abstracts: Computational and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE 2009), Salt Lake City, UT, March 2009.

Bruce, I. C., and Negm, M. H. (2009). "IKLT and Ih may explain rapid and short-term spike-rate adaptation in auditory nerve fiber responses to cochlear implant stimulation," in Abstracts of the 32nd ARO Midwinter Research Meeting.

Zilany, M. S. A., Bruce, I. C., Nelson, P. C., and Carney, L. H. (2008). "Model of the IHC-AN synapse: Power-law adaptation in the discharge rates of auditory-nerve fibers," at 2008 BMES Annual Fall Meeting, St. Louis, MO, October 2008.

Leung, B., and Bruce, I. (2008). "Physiological assessment of nonlinear hearing aid amplification schemes," at International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON 2008), Lake Tahoe, CA, August 2008.

Dinath, F., and Bruce, I. C. (2008). "Hearing aid gain prescriptions balance restoration of auditory nerve mean-rate and spike-timing representations of speech," at International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON 2008), Lake Tahoe, CA, August 2008.

Bruce, I. C., Zilany, M. S. A., Negm, M. H., Nelson, P. C., and Carney, L. H. (2008). "Modeling auditory nerve adaptation to acoustic and electric stimulation," at Auditory System Gordon Research Conference, New London, NH, Jun.–Jul. 2008.

Negm, M. H., and Bruce, I. C. (2008). "Effects of Ih and IKLT in a stochastic Hodgkin–Huxley auditory nerve model," in Abstracts of the 31st ARO Midwinter Research Meeting.

Dinath, F., and Bruce, I. C. (2007). "Neurophysiological insights into hearing aid amplification schemes," at Workshop on Mathematical Neuroscience, Centre de recherches mathématiques, Université de Montréal, Québec, September 2007.

Negm, M. H., and Bruce, I. C. (2007). "A computational model for stochastic ion channels in the auditory nerve," at Workshop on Mathematical Neuroscience, Centre de recherches mathématiques, Université de Montréal, Québec, September 2007.

Zilany, M., and Bruce, I. (2007). "Predictions of speech intelligibility with a model of the normal and impaired auditory-periphery," in Abstracts of the 30th ARO Midwinter Research Meeting.

Wiklund, K., Haykin, S., and Bruce, I. (2006). "VirtualHearing: A Virtual Acoustic Environment for the Evaluation of Hearing Aid Algorithms," in Abstracts of the IHCON 2006 International Hearing Aid Research Conference.

Bruce, I. C., and Dinath, F. (2006). "Improved approximation of stochastic ion channel gating," in Abstracts of the 9th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Related Sciences (CI-2006), Vienna, Austria, pp. 87–88.

Yang, L., Becker, S., Bruce, I., Wilson, H., and Eggermont, J. (2006). "A computational model of primary auditory cortex with homeostatic plasticity after peripheral hearing loss," at XXVIIIth International Symposium: Computational Neuroscience, Montréal, QC, May 2006.

Bruce, I. C., and Ko, J. (2006). "A comparison of possible neural architectures for tuning curve enhancement in the inferior colliculus," in Abstracts of 29th ARO Midwinter Meeting, Baltimore, MD, February 2006.

Bruce, I., and Ko, J. (2005). "Modeling neural circuits for tuning curve enhancement in the auditory midbrain," at Lake Ontario Auditory Neuroscience (LOAN) Meeting, Hamilton, ON.

Ansari, S., Harte, N., and Bruce, I. (2005). "Efficiently combining improved contrast-enhancing frequency shaping and multiband compression to enhance speech intelligibility in hearing aids," at Lake Ontario Auditory Neuroscience (LOAN) Meeting, Hamilton, ON.

Bondy, J., Becker, S., Haykin, S., and Bruce, I. (2005). "Cochlear nonlinearities and temporal neural clues," at Lake Ontario Auditory Neuroscience (LOAN) Meeting, Hamilton, ON.

Dominguez, M., Becker, S., Bruce, I., and Read, H. (2005). "Modelling cortical reorganization in tinnitus," at Lake Ontario Auditory Neuroscience (LOAN) Meeting, Hamilton, ON.

Zilany, M. S. A., and Bruce, I. (2005). " Effects of high sound pressure levels in a model of the normal and impaired auditory periphery," at Lake Ontario Auditory Neuroscience (LOAN) Meeting, Hamilton, ON, June 2005.

Dominguez, M., Becker, S., Bruce, I., and Read, H. (2005). "Modelling cochleotopic map shifts in auditory cortex," at Computational and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE) 2005, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Zilany, M., and Bruce, I. (2005). "Effects of high sound pressure levels in a model of the normal and impaired auditory periphery," in Abstracts of the 28th ARO Midwinter Research Meeting.

Ansari, S., Bajaj, H., Mustafa, K., and Bruce, I. (2004). "Time efficient contrast-enhancing frequency shaping and multiband compression in hearing aids," in Abstracts of the IHCON 2004 International Hearing Aid Research Conference.

Dong, R., Bondy, J., Bruce, I., and Haykin, S. (2004). "Single-microphone speech enhancement using speech stream segregation," in Abstracts of the IHCON 2004 International Hearing Aid Research Conference.

Zilany, M., and Bruce, I. (2004). "Improvements to a physiological model used for hearing aid evaluation and design," in Abstracts of the IHCON 2004 International Hearing Aid Research Conference.

Young, E., Heinz, M., Bandyopadhyay, S., Ji, T., and Bruce, I. (2004). "What about the consonants?" in Abstracts of the 27th ARO Midwinter Research Meeting.

Ko, J., and Bruce, I. C. (2004). "Lateral-Inhibitory-Network Models of the Central Processing of Auditory Nerve Activity," in Abstracts of the 27th ARO Midwinter Research Meeting.

Ko, J., and Bruce, I. C. (2004). "Lateral-Inhibitory-Network Models of the Central Processing of Auditory Nerve Activity," in Abstracts of papers presented at the 2004 Meeting on Computational and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE).

Bruce, I. C. (2003). "Physiological assessment of contrast-enhancing frequency shaping and multiband compression in hearing aids," in Proceedings of the 2003 World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (IFBME Proceedings Vol. 4), Sydney, Australia.

Bruce, I. C. (2003). "Physiological modeling for the treatment of hearing loss and tinnitus," at 4th Bi-annual Lake Ontario Auditory Meeting, Rochester, NY.

Bruce, I. C., Young, E. D., and Sachs, M. B. (2002). "Physiological modeling for hearing aid design," in Abstracts of the IHCON 2002 International Hearing Aid Research Conference.

Bruce, I. C., Bondy, J., Haykin, S., and Becker, S. (2002). "A physiologically based predictor of speech intelligibility," in Abstracts of the IHCON 2002 International Hearing Aid Research Conference.

Bondy, J., Lopez-Risueqo, G., Haykin, S., Bruce, I. C., and Becker, S. (2002). "Automatic identification and individualized phonemic processing," in Abstracts of the IHCON 2002 International Hearing Aid Research Conference.

Bruce, I. C., Karkhanis, N. V., Young, E. D., and Sachs, M. B. (2001). "Design and physiological testing of dynamic formant enhancement for hearing aids," in Abstracts of the 24th ARO Midwinter Meeting.

Bruce, I. C., Young, E. D., and Sachs, M. B. (2000). "Physiological modeling for hearing aid design," in Abstracts of the IHCON 2000 International Hearing Aid Research Conference.

Young, E. D., Ji, T., Bruce, I. C., and Sachs, M. B. (2000). "Insights into hearing aid signal processing from the neural representation of speech," in Abstracts of the IHCON 2000 International Hearing Aid Research Conference.

Bruce, I. C., Young, E. D., and Sachs, M. B. (2000). "Improvements of an auditory-periphery model to describe auditory nerve response to speech stimuli," in Abstracts of the 23rd ARO Midwinter Meeting.

Ji, T., Bruce, I.C., Ngan, E.M., May, B.J., Sachs, M. B., and Young, E.D. (2000). "Representation of a dynamic speech stream in cats with sensorineural hearing loss," in Abstracts of the 23rd ARO Midwinter Meeting.

Bruce, I. C., Young, E. D., and Sachs, M. B. (2000). "Improvements of an auditory-periphery model to describe auditory nerve response to speech stimuli," in Symposium on Synaptic Function in Hearing and Balance, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, June 2000.

Bruce, I. C., Young, E. D., and Sachs, M. B. (1999). "Modification of an auditory-periphery model to describe the effects of acoustic trauma on auditory nerve response," in Abstracts of the 22nd ARO Midwinter Meeting.

Bruce, I. C., White, M. W., Irlicht, L. S., O'Leary, S. J., and Clark, G. M. (1998). "Perceptual effects of neural noise in functional electrical stimulation," in Abstracts of the 29th NIH Neural Prosthesis Workshop.

Bruce, I. C., Irlicht, L. S., White, M. W., O'Leary, S. J., Dynes, S., Javel, E., and Clark, G. M. (1997). "A stochastic model of the electrically stimulated auditory nerve designed for the analysis of large-scale population response," in Abstracts of the 20th ARO Midwinter Meeting.

Bruce, I. C., Irlicht, L. S., White, M. W., O'Leary, S. J., and Clark, G. M. (1997). "Electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve: Prediction of psychophysical performance by a model including stochastic aspects of neural response," in Abstracts of the 20th ARO Midwinter Meeting.

O'Leary, S. J., Irlicht, L. S., Bruce, I. C., White, M. W., and Clark, G. M. (1997). "Prediction of variance in neural response to cochlear implant stimulation and its implications for perception," in XVI World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, IFOS, Sydney, March 1997.

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